Tag Archives: home decor

New Year…..New Look??

Every January I start to get the itch to redecorate something.  Since we do not own are current home, I am very limited as to what I can do.  Our current landlord does not allow us to paint anything, use nails any bigger than a picture nail and is very strict.  Since I am stuck with white walls that needed to be repainted a decade ago, carpet that is begging to be replaced and a home that is falling apart around us, I do my best to mask it any way that I can.

Since the carpet in our living room is so far gone, we use a large area rug to hide what lies beneath it.  I also have learned to not let a lot of light into the room as a way to help hide the problem areas as well.

Our kitchen is a whole other story!

There is an ugly brass chandelier with frosted globes that I would love to replace with 2 drum shade pendants over our dining room table.  I would also be very happy to replace the light fixture in the kitchen with some mini pendant lights as well.

Oh, and I can’t forget to mention the ugly pink floral wall paper in our half-bathroom and the tacky teal and white striped wall paper with the god awful pheasant border in our den/office area with matching teal ceiling fan and teal can lighting…..yes, this house is in dire need of a new look and I wish I was able to do more with it!

Have I mentioned that I cannot wait until we have a home of our own???


I’ve recently been on the hunt for some nice extra tall bar stools to put by our kitchen counter/breakfast bar. So far, we’ve gone thru 2 cheap sets from some big chain stores and a wood set as well. Not being able to find a set locally, I have turned to the Internet, which has led me to AllBarStools.com.

After perusing the site for over an hour and looking through the large variety of stools they offer, I stumbled upon this:

Cute, no?
The great thing is the colors in the seat fabric match the colors of my kitchen perfectly!
I haven’t decided to order them just yet…..I’m secretly hoping the Alex will pick them up for me for Christmas.
Until then, I’m off to find some new kitchen chairs as well so I finally have a matching set!
What are your current household needs?

Disclaimer: I received a cash payment, gift or item of nominal value for this post. All opinions are 100% mine.