Tag Archives: diet

A Better Me in 2012

This year I have been trying to become a better me. Yes, it has been hard but I am slowly learning to deal with the changes and make sure that I am taking better care of myself.

So far in 2012, our family has given up fast food and we are still going strong.  We have steered clear of those dangerous drive-thrus since 2011 and have no desire to return to them….EVER!

Another change I have made is to find a little more me time.  Although it is not much and it doesn’t really happen until after all of the kids are asleep, I have started reading again every free chance I have.

I have also managed to cross a few other things of the list as well for not just me but the entire family.  Last year, we enrolled in a new dental plan through Alex’s employer.  The new plan offered us better dental insurance for just a little bit more money.  Unfortunately right after we made the move and the plan became active all but one of the providers located near us dropped from the plan and the only provider that we could see was only at our local office 2 days a week with very short hours.  Needless to say, we missed out on going to the dentist all of 2011 but we have all been taken care of so far this year!

Next on my to do list is to get into the eye doctor for a checkup and get some new glasses since I have been wearing the same pair for the last 2 years and desperately need a new pair.

After that I am going to work harder to keep losing weight and exercise more and continue to clean up my diet…..right now I have some bad addictions that I really need to kick to the curb.

What are you do to better yourself in 2012?