Tag Archives: Crayola

Crayola Pop Art Pixie VIP* All Day NYC Adventure – Part Two

Again, if you’ve been following along these last few days, then you are aware that the Libby and I recently attended the Crayola Pop Art Pixie VIP* Weekend in NYC.  If you’re new to all of this craziness, feel free to catch up HERE, HERE and HERE!

So, back to our NYC Adventure!

After enjoying lunch and some sweets at The Magnolia Bakery, our next stop was one we had been hoping for!

Rockefeller Plaza!

The minute the Libby and I stepped off the bus, we made our way over to the ticket booth to purchases passes to the Top of the Rock.

From there, we made our way down 50th Street to the red carpet and began our journey to the top of Rockefeller Center.

The Top of the Rock is truly an AMAZING site!

We took A LOT of pictures!

Have a look!

(Scroll over pictures for description or click to enlarge.)

***She was to scared to open her eyes because it was REALLY high and REALLY windy!***

Once we were done looking out over the city, we made our way back down and decided to walk through Rockefeller Plaza and take a few pictures of the infamous skating rink and the tree that was in the process of being decorated.

Once we were done strolling around Rockefeller Plaza we made our way back to our group, boarded the bus and were on our way to our next stop!

Yes, there is more to come!!

Stay tuned for more!!!

And remember, there will be an AWESOME CRAYOLA GIVEAWAY at the end!!!

**The Libby and I were invited to the VIP* Pop Art Pixie NYC event by Crayola. All of our travel accommodations, meals, incidentals and samples of Pop Art Pixies craft projects were provided by Crayola. **


Crayola Pop Art Pixie VIP* All Day NYC Adventure – Part One

If you’ve been following along these last few days, then you are aware that the Libby and I recently attended the Crayola Pop Art Pixie VIP* Weekend in NYC.  If not, no need to worry, you can catch up HERE and HERE.

There. Now that you’re all caught up, I will let you know all about our NYC Adventure!

On Saturday, we started our day with breakfast

and a quick craft

These are the new Pop Art Pixie’s Glass Pendants that Maya inspired.  We had a lot of fun making them, and it wasn’t until the Libby and I were both done that we realized we did the same design and colored them the same!

Once our morning craft was complete, we mad our way down to the lobby to await our ride.

It was DEFINITELY worth waiting for!

And not only was the outside all decked out, but the inside was too!

It had loud music, blinking and flashing lights, comfy seats, TV’s and was AWESOME!

Plus, it was loaded with snacks and beverages!

Once we all boarded the bus and got comfortable, we made our way to our first stop……

Central Park!


Upon entering the park, we saw the bird house wind chimes the girls had crafted the night before hanging from a tree.

Yes, that one with the circle around it, that belongs to the Libby.

The next surprise Crayola had in store for us was a horse and buggy ride through the park!

From Left to Right:
Libby, Miss E. and Miss N. getting to know the horse who would be pulling our buggy.
Miss E. Miss N. and Libby enjoying the ride.
Libby, Miss N. and Miss E. outside the entrance to Central Park.
Miss N., Libby and Miss E. in front of Bethesda Fountain.

Once our journey through Central Park was complete, we were off to our next stop for something sweet!

We then arrived at Magnolia Bakery for Tatum’s Tea Party.

From Left to Right:
Outside of Magnolia Bakery.
Libby, Miss N. and Miss E. enjoying their lunch.
Libby with the cupcake she decorated on her glass plate she made at the premiere party.
The Magnolia Bakery emblem.

Once we were done at the bakery, we returned to the bus and made our way to our next destination…….

More on that on Friday!

**The Libby and I were invited to the VIP* Pop Art Pixie NYC event by Crayola. All of our travel accommodations, meals, incidentals and samples of Pop Art Pixies craft projects were provided by Crayola. **

Great Savings from Crayola

As you know, the Libby and I recently attended the Pop Art Pixies VIP* NYC Party Weekend.

Now, it is my pleasure to share some AWESOME deals with you!

-Save $2.00 on a Crayola Pop Art Pixies kit by clicking HERE.

-Buy One Crayola Pop Art Pixies kit and the second one is FREE at Toys ‘R’ Us on Black Friday.

-Pop on over and ‘Like’ Crayola on Facebook for MORE holiday savings!

**Disclaimer- Crayola did NOT ask that I share this information with my readers, I am doing it because of our love of Crayola products and I enjoy helping others save money too!

Crayola Pop Art Pixie VIP* Premiere Party

As I mentioned in my last post, the Libby and I recently returned from a whirlwind weekend partying it up like a rock star in NYC!
This is a continuation of that tale……

Now, where were we?
Ah, yes….
The Pop Art Pixie VIP* (*Very Important Pixies) Premiere Party

Friday evening, we spent 3 fabulous hours eating, crafting, learning, loving and chatting.
The party began with the Pink Carpet treatment where the girls were interviewed.

(That is the Libby being interviewed along with Joanna’s daughter Kayla)
After the grueling interview, and a great photo-op

it was off to enjoy our pixiefied dinner.

Once dinner was complete, it was time to CRAFT!

We started off by learning a bit more about each of the Pop Art Pixies and then began working on our water bottles.  The water bottle is a craft project that follows Skye’s eco-friendly ways since it is reusable.

(The Libby posing with her AWESOME water bottle!)

Once we finished the water bottles, we were on to our next craft.  Again, we were working on a project that was inspired by Skye.  This time we were painting a beautiful bird house wind chime. The Libby had A LOT of fun with this one, painting it red and white and adorning it with the #53 in honor of her cousin who plays for the Wisconsin Badgers!

(Sorry, there isn’t a pic but I will add one in a future post when I have it in our house to photograph since Crayola graciously shipped these items home for us.)

In between the wind chime project and the next one, it was time to take a break and indulge in a sundae from the AWESOME sundae bar that was set up.

Once our tummy’s were stuffed with ice cream, whip cream and sprinkles, we were on to our final project of the night.  This time, we were working on an item from Tatum’s favorite projects, the Glass Plate.

(Again, I apologize that there is not a picture, but I promise, the minute our goodies arrive, I will snap some pics and get them posted!)

Once we were done crafting, I took some time to snap a picture of the Libby and her 2 new besties.

(The Libby with @MIsaacMom‘s girls, Miss. N and Miss E.)

These girls were INSEPARABLE the entire weekend! From the moment they got in the van together at the airport, they were stuck like glue!

Finally, before calling the party to a close for the night, all of the girls got together for a group picture.

That’s a wrap for our first day in The Big Apple.  Once we were done at the party, we ventured out for a bit and walked around Times Square, went to M&M World and a few other shops before hitting up the bodega for some snacks!

Stay tuned for more tales of our NYC adventure!

**The Libby and I were invited to the VIP* Pop Art Pixie NYC event by Crayola. All of our travel accommodations, meals, incidentals and samples of Pop Art Pixies craft projects were provided by Crayola. **

Crayola NYC VIP* Weekend

Where to begin is the question!
This past Friday, the Libby and I both boarded a plane for the first time.
Our destination – New York via a transfer in Detroit.
Why – a Crayola NYC VIP* Weekend (*Very Important Pixie)
Where – The W hotel in Times Square

I guess I should begin with what it was like flying for the first time.
We both LOVED it!
Flying was absolutely AMAZING!

I am also pleased to report that we successfully navigated both Detroit Metro Airport and LaGuardia Airport.

Thank you!
I am mighty impressed as well.

Once we landed in New York and made our way down to the baggage claim area, we were able to locate the group of moms and daughters who were sharing in this amazing weekend with us.
(At this point, I could barely hear because my ears were all screwed up from the flight.)
From the airport, we climbed into the van with 2 other moms ( @YourFunFamily and @MIsaacMom ) and their daughters.

Upon arrival at the hotel, we received awesome Pop Art Pixies TShirts, bags, VIP* tags and a Pop At Pixies Passport!

Here is a close up of our Pop Art Pixie Avatars

After we had all of our goodies, we were off to our room on the 53rd floor of The W Times Square.

We were AMAZED when we entered the room.

And the view was unreal!

Once we got over the initial shock of being in NYC and a quick phone call home we were off to get ready for the VIP* Premiere Party!
But…more on that tomorrow!
Until then, I leave you with this…….

**The Libby and I were invited to the VIP* Pop Art Pixie NYC event by Crayola. All of our travel accommodations, meals, incidentals and samples of Pop Art Pixies craft projects were provided by Crayola. **