Tag Archives: contractions

36 Weeks and counting

I am in my 36th week and getting ready to wrap it up and head into my 37th.
This pregnancy has been unlike any of my others.
I actually enjoyed my other pregnancies.
This time around…..not so much.
Last week I encountered my first hemorrhoid ever in my life.
Yeah, TMI I know.
Deal with it.
I’ve had to deal with the pain of this f**ker and it has been far from fun.
And then of course it ruptured.
Again, I know….TMI but deal with it.
This happens to pregnant people.
So now this pregnancy is officially a pain in the ass too!
On Sunday I started having contractions and back pain.
It is now Tuesday afternoon and I am still having them.
Not to mention every part of my pelvic region feels like it is on fire thanks to all of the pressure.
Friday I head back into the doctor’s office.
I will be seeing the nurse practitioner this week.
I still can’t tell if she is still breech and am hoping to get an answer this week.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that this little girl joins us soon.
I would rather be sleep deprived and covered in spit up then in continuous pain.
Come on Baby Ellie, lets do this!