Tag Archives: Colonoscopy

More testing to be done….

My current health predicament is turning into the never ending saga.
I saw my family doctor today, the Fantabulous Dr. J that we all love and adore.
After explaining to him everything that has happened over the past few weeks and going over test results from my recent hospital stay, notes from the doctors who cared for me and a thorough explanation of the symptoms I have been experiencing he has decided it would be in my best interest to have a colonoscopy (Yay me!) to check into the possibility of crohn’s disease or colitis since I seem to be displaying many of the symptoms for both.

Who knows…maybe I will finally get an answer as to why I keep having abdominal pain and everything I eat runs right through me within a few hours.

But then again…..this has still been a great weight loss plan….done 14lbs since last Friday!

Here’s hoping for answers soon….colonoscopy is scheduled for April 1st….I hope my doctor doesn’t decide to turn into a joker that day!