Tag Archives: celebrations

Celebrating this Spring

This Spring, we are looking forward to celebrating all kinds of things. First things first, I completed my degree on April 3rd and am currently waiting for my diploma to arrive. We are also heading out of town this weekend to watch the Libby participate in the State Destination Imagination competition and are hoping for a big win (which will make it into one of our new photo books) ! There are two other things that we are hoping happen before Summer arrives….we hope that we will be able to announce that we are expecting another child and we are hoping to move as well…into a house of our own. **FINGERS CROSSED**

For me personally, the biggest celebration right now is the one in which I became a college graduate! I am still debating on driving the hour and a half in June to participate in the actual graduation ceremony, but if I do, I plan on inviting my family to join me with the help of Shutterfly with these beautiful graduation announcements

This is a HUGE accomplishment for me and I really want to celebrate it, I’m just not sure exactly how I want to do that just yet. I might just wait until the Alex finishes up his degree in November and participate in the ceremony alongside him!


Spring is a busy time of year in our house and who knows just how much busier it will become. Here’s hoping we will be planning on sending out some birth announcements before next Spring!


Are you a blogger, too? Click here to register for a chance at 50 free announcements!

Disclaimer:  This post is part of a series sponsored by Shutterfly. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

Happy Birthday LizzieKabizzieKabooperKabop

Today is my sister’s birthday.

Since I’m feeling really nice this year, I won’t tell you how old she is.

Just know she is OLDER than me and I’m in my early 30’s and my parents have been married for 37 years.

Anyways, in honor of her birthday I thought I’d share some cute pics (P.S. I’m the blonde, she’s the brunette) with you!

Happy Birthday LizzieKabizzieKabooperKabop!

Happy ??th Birthday to my beautiful older sister!

Love yah LizzieKabizzieKabooperKabop!