Tag Archives: aging


I have to keep saying this to myself.
This is the age I will be when Baby Ellie graduates from high school.
Yes, fifty-one.
How did this happen?
I am having a very hard time digesting this.
When I first became a mom back in 1999 I had things all figured out.
I was going to get to be a mom and by the time my kid graduated from high school I would only be 38 and I’d have my entire life ahead of me still.
And then, I had my second child in 2000 which meant I would be 39 when she graduated.
Then, I got pregnant, got married and had a baby in 2008.
And now, here I am in 2011, approaching my 33rd birthday and preparing for the arrival of my fourth child.
I will be 51 when she graduates from school.
The Alex, he’ll only be 45.
I really need to work on digesting this……