Tag Archives: ABC’s

The ABC’s of Annie

Since I am having a bad case of writer’s block, I thought I would give you a chance to learn a little bit more about me.
So here you have it, the ABC’s of Annie
Age: 32
Bed size: Queen
Chore you hate: Laundry
Dogs: Not until we move and then we will have at least 2!
Essential start of your day: Coffee
Fave color: Purple
Gold or silver: Silver
Height: 5’10”
Instruments I play: None
Job title: HBIC of The Megalomaniac Family
Kids: Zack 12, Libby 10.5 and TateTot 3
Live: Green Bay WI
Mom’s name: Mary
Nicknames: Belle
Overnight hospital stays: Birth of my children, and a few other for strange pain.
Pet peeve: People who stop by unannounced.
Right or left handed: Left
Siblings: 1 sister
Time you wake up: Depends on the day, what time I went to bed and how tired my husband is.
Veg you dislike: Peas
What makes you run late: My kids
X-rays you have had done: You name it, it’s been X-rayed.
Yummy food you make: All of it because I made it!
Zoo Animal, favorite: Elephants!!!

Why don’t you join the fun and do your own ABCs. I would love to get to know you better.