New Kitchen- Now with Countertop

I meant to post pictures last night but I was to excited and busy putting our kitchen stuff away in the new cabinets.

So, here is the kitchen, now with the counter top installed!

I wish you could see the counter top better in these pictures because it is beautiful!

Now that everything is unpacked and where it belongs we are resting for a few days before we move on to painting and installing the new floor.

As soon as I have more to show you I will post pictures!

Operation Install Kitchen Cabinets

Today Alex and Pa the Great spent just over 5 hours installing our new kitchen cabinets.

I am  IN LOVE!

I don’t really have much to say but I do have pictures to share!

(You can click on each image to enlarge it)

The first 2 cabinets go in!
Making Progress
The view from the back entry
The new cabinets with the doors (the face on the bottom drawer broke so we are waiting for a new one) from the back entry view
View of above the fridge and sink base from the living room
The view from the living room

Can you see why I am in love?

We will be installing the counter top today (Sunday) along with the sink and getting all of the appliances back in place.

I am hoping to paint this coming week as long as time and the finances allow and we are planning on doing the floor over the next weekend.

Once all that is done we will work on hardware, backsplash, decor and then we are going to splurge on a new refrigerator!

I will be sure to post new pics tomorrow night after the counter top and everything else is in place.


Operation Kitchen Remodel

In my family, it is not odd to spend a holiday weekend redecorating the house, rearranging furniture, or doing some huge project.
Since this week was Thanksgiving, we figured it was the appropriate time to demo our kitchen!

On Wednesday afternoon, my dad came over and gutted our kitchen in less than 2 hours!

For those that are new, this is what the kitchen looked like when the last owners lived here.

A few weeks ago we ripped out that ugly flooring as the first step in the kitchen remodel process.

Here is our progress from demo on Wednesday.

On Thanksgiving Day, we spent the evening putting the new sub floor down and Black Friday was spent marking the studs, leveling things out, prepping for cabinet install and painting.

Thankfully all that needed to be painted this far is the areas that will be showing and hard to reach once the new cabinets are in.

We will be spending today, (Saturday) installing the new cabinets.  Sunday will be countertop and sink installation and getting the appliances back in place.

Next weekend we are hoping to be able to install the new floor (which we still need to make a final decision on), painting the rest of the kitchen the final color, and making decisions on backsplash, trim, and cabinet hardware.  We did find a design for the hardware that we like and I managed to find it online for half the price so now we just need to decide if it is the one we want for sure.

I will be sure to update before the weekend is over with new pictures of the progress!

Please just keep your fingers crossed that everything goes off without a hitch and we have a fully functional kitchen again by Sunday night!


EXPIRED Amazon Lightning Deals – Save on Toys & Games and Small Kitchen Appliances

This post contains affiliate links

Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving followed by Black Friday, I thought I would remind you that you can still score some great deals on Amazon through their Lightning Deals!

Be sure to check out the great items on sale now including items from LeapFrog and Melissa & Doug!

<A rel=”nofollow” HREF=”;MarketPlace=US&#038;ID=V20070822%2FUS%2Fmommommom-20%2F8009%2Fbc186634-70fa-47a3-aef1-5f8df90e6b57&#038;Operation=NoScript”> Widgets</A>

&amp;lt;A HREF=”;amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;amp;ID=V20070822%2FUS%2Fmommommom-20%2F8009%2F24d53ce5-bcf4-4552-a0d3-fa382082e29e&amp;amp;Operation=NoScript”&amp;gt; Widgets&amp;lt;/A&amp;gt;

Taking a Moment

From time to time, I like to take a moment and step back from the crazy, hectic day to day life in our home and reflect on all the great things we have been so lucky to have in our life and to our family.

This past weekend as I was preparing for our trip to Chicago, I noted that Saturday, November 17th was World Prematurity Day. On this day, I was very aware as this World Prematurity Day 2012, we celebrated our little preemie, Ellie, turning 11 months old.

When Ellie was born, at 36 weeks gestation, she had a few issues with breathing and eating but being the tough little chick that she is, she got over that rather quickly.

At 11 months old, Ellie is walking, babbling, feeding herself, drinking from a sippy and is the happiest baby I have ever met!

We couldn’t be more thankful for our little preemie!

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