Making Chores Fun

I know what you’re thinking… can the title of this post possibly happen?
Chores and fun in the same phrase….not possible.
Ahhh my friends, that is where you are wrong.
Chores can be fun!
Not only can they be fun but they can be rewarding too and not just for you or your partner but your kids too!
In our house we are all for having the kids help out around the house and think it is very important that everyone pitch in where they can.
Right now, everyone includes both myself and the Alex along with Zack, Libby and even the 3.5 year old Alexander. At this time the only individual exempt from chores is Ellie. Her main chore is to just sit there and be cute!
I was recently introduced to GoalForIt which allows you to create a unique chore chart for your child.
GoalForIt lets you create a personalized chart that is not only fun but is a great learning tool for your child and teaches them responsibility.
I started a chore chart for our 3.5 year old Alexander to help him get back into a daily routine since the birth of Little Miss Ellie. For each chore that Alexander completes each day he receives 1 Moolah and when he reaches 500 Moolah he gets to go shopping for a new Power Ranger!
Here is what his chore chart looks like.

There is a variety of designs and stickers to choose from to personalize your chart and different tasks to choose from and the option to create your own. You also get to choose what days certain tasks are to be done and how much moolah each chore is worth. So far we have only completed Alexander’s chore chart but will be sitting down with Zack and the Libby over the weekend. The Libby has a big responsibility now….she became a pet owner over the holiday but that’s a whole other post!

GoalForIt can also be used for goal setting, behavior charts and even to create to do lists!

Disclaimer: I was compensated for this post on behalf of MomSelect in exchange for my complete and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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