Knock Another Thing Off My 40X40 List!

Last month when I was in California for The Lion King 3D Mom Blogger Event, I had the chance to knock yet another task off of my 40×40 list thanks to my friend Nicole that I graduated from high school with.  Nicole currently lives in San Diego however when I posted on Facebook that I would be heading to Los Angeles/Beverly Hills for a few days it just so happened that she would be in town as well.

So, on Friday night after all of my Lion King festivities ended, Nicole and her friend picked me up at the hotel and drove me to the Santa Monica Pier.
I was absolutely amazed with the amount of people not only on the pier, but hanging out on the beach as well. There were kids running around having so much fun that it made me wish my kids could have experienced it with me.

Being at the pier was awesome, but what I did next was truly amazing.
I walked down a flight of stairs, kicked my flip flops off and put my feet in the sand on the beach and made my way down to the water.
And then, that’s when I did it.
I walked into the Pacific Ocean, for the first time in my entire life.
(I apologize for the picture quality, but it was night and was taken with a cell phone.)

There I was, standing in the Pacific Ocean with the waves running up behind me, getting my pants wet while I sank further into the sand with each one.
It was truly AMAZING!

I even updated my Facebook while I was standing there! (I also checked in on FourSquare and Tweeted about it!)

5.5 Down – 34.5 more to go and 7 years, 2 months and 15 days left to git er’ done!
Follow my 40X40 and start one of your own!

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