My Dreams VS Reality

In my dreams I wake up fully rested after no less than 8 hours of UNINTERRUPTED sleep. 

In my dreams I am able to use the bathroom and shower without any little people watching over me.  

In my dreams I am able to down a freshly brewed cup of coffee and check my email while the house is still quiet.  

In my dreams I have a brand spanking new Chrysler Town & Country minivan.

In my dreams I spend my mornings running the kids to play dates and story times.

In my dreams my house is beautiful and clean and the laundry is always washed, folded and put away where it belongs.

In my dreams there is always a family dinner with a nice healthy meal (and dessert).

In my dreams my children are all well behaved and they do not fight, bicker or talk back.

The reality is that I have 5 kids.  I am lucky if I get 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep.  I rarely use the bathroom alone. Usually when I am drinking my coffee I am nursing the baby or fighting to keep my eyes open.

The reality is that my minivan is almost 9 years old, is filled with crumbs and carseats and every seat is occupied by a member of our family.

The reality is that I spend my mornings picking up around the house, working when the time allows for it and watching children’s programming on Netflix or PBS.

The reality is that my house is lived in, there is always dirty laundry, it’s never all washed, folded and put away where it belongs.

The reality is that dinner is always thrown together at the last minute these days because I am too tired to plan ahead.

The reality is that my kids are constantly arguing, someone is always yelling or dislikes the other one and they all talk back.

In my dreams my life is perfect, in reality….my life is chaos and I don’t know if I would want it any other way!


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