Category Archives: Just One Of My Kids

Joey’s Baptism

Well, it only take us almost a year, but this past Sunday, Joey was baptised at our church.  Our church offers baptism a few times a year and well, all of the dates between his birth and now just didn’t work for us and we had to find the perfect Godparents for him too.

So, on Sunday, August 10th 2014, we made our way to church with our family and friends and celebrated our little dude.

Joey's Baptism

Ellie playing in the baptismal pool (with no less than 8 more kids).

Joey with his Godparents, Andrea and Justin.  

Although we’ve only known Andrea and Justin for a little over a year, we have become very good friends and they were the perfect choice for Godparents.  (Andrea was the first person other than our parents and kids, that knew I was in labor with the little guy).

Joey just being Joey after his baptism.

This was the first time we didn’t have the traditional get together following the baptism but we did have his Godparents over later in the evening for drinks and conversation.

All in all, it was a very good day!


Our Return to the Emergency Room

It was a good run.  We made it just over 8 months without going to the ER and then…..this happened. On the evening of July 26th, we found ourselves back in the ER for the first time in 8 months. Alexander had been outside, playing at the park across the street from our house.  He was climbing on the outside of the tube slide, that he had just been told NOT to climb on, when he fell  about 6 feet to the ground and landed on his shoulder. He banged up his face pretty bad when he hit the wood chips too. Of course, I made sure I was prepared to keep him entertained in the ER….it’s the little things that make kids smile! After seeing the doctor and a few xrays, the diagnosis was a fractured clavicle and a separated shoulder.  You can expect to see him looking like this for 4-6 weeks. From the time he fell until we got home from the ER he apologized for not listening to us and climbing on the outside of the slide and promised he would never do it again.     During his recovery you can find him walking around the ‘hood, watching movies, playing on the iPad and playing with Legos….LOTS and LOTS of Legos.

Goodbye T-Ball

It’s hard to believe Alexander’s last year in t-ball has come and gone.  Next year he moves up to a new league, new rules and a whole new world for us.

He had a great time in t-ball this year and he really grew as a player and we are so proud of him.  Here are some pictures from the season, Alexander is #9 on the red Sir Speedy team.

Practice makes perfect.

Happy to get his uniform and even happier that it is red!

Sliding into home….gotta break those fresh white pants in right away at the start of the season.

End of the season with his trophy.

Looking forward to next year!

My First Daughter

It’s hard to believe that 14 years ago I gave birth to my second child and my first daughter.  

If you would have told me 14 yeats ago that this child was going to be a carbon copy of me, I probably wouldn’t have believed you…but….it’s true.

She has my smile, my hair, my butt, my attitude and really, she’s me all over again.

And I wouldn’t change that for the world.

Happy 14th Birthday Elizabeth, my little Libby Loo!

She Dances

Last week, Ellie started a tot dance class through our park and rec department.  

Every Tuesday morning this summer, we make our way to the community center and watch a group of little girls, ages 2-3 ‘dance’ for 30 minutes.  It is ADORABLE.

At her first class, Ellie was a little shy.

I think she spent more time running over to give me kisses that class then she actually did dancing.  

By the end of the class, she was ready to dance.

After her first class, Alex and I decided that she needed a cute skirt and dance shoes to go with her pink leotard (none of these items are required for the class).

When they arrived in the mail over the weekend she was so excited.  All she wanted to do was dance.

Today she had her second class and when we pulled into the parking lot she squealed in glee and was ready to dance!  She did a great job at her second class and I think her favorite part was the spin.

What do you think?

After class was over she began to beg to go to class again.

I can’t wait to see what next week brings!

Now I’m off to shop for more cute dance clothes!

My name is Anne and I’m officially a dance mom.