Category Archives: Just One Of My Kids

Poor Little Sick Girl

My little Ellie is sick along with myself, Alexander, and Alex.
Her poor little nose is running nonstop, she is crabby (which is soooo not her style), and she is lethargic.

I wish I could make her better in an instant.

I’ve been nursing her on command to both nourish and comfort her, using chest rubs, saline drops, and we are all keeping ourselves armed with Boogie Wipes, and there is also the electric nasal aspiratior that has been a godsend (but not fun to clean).

Although I hate seeing her so miserable, it has been a blessing in disguise because all she wants to do is snuggle and this mommy loves to snuggle my kidlets, even if it means I will end up covered in snot and tears, I will take it!

This is what the last 24 hours have looked like.

So again, if you are wondering where I am and what I have been up to, this is it.

I am hoping to get some work done tonight and tomorrow and get completely caught up over the weekend!

**Fingers Crossed**

Sick Baby

My poor little Ellie is sick with the croup.
It all started with the sniffles, which led to icky running nose and huge green boogies.
And then the barking took over.
I spent a large portion of what should have been my sleeping hours last night in our bathroom with the shower running, sitting in the steam with my little lady.
I think I managed to squeeze in 45 minutes of sleep before Alex came home and took her for another steam.
From that point I managed to steal another hour of sleep.
After nursing her in our bed, I got up to see this.

Thankfully she is starting to feel better now and her bark is fading away!
Here’s hoping tonight involves sleep and not steam!

His First Day

Today, my little Alexander went off into the land of big kids.
He started summer school.
Yes, he is 4 and in summer school.
Monday through Friday for the next 4 weeks my little man will be sitting in his Getting Ready for 4K class.
Where has the time gone??

I cannot believe how grown up my little boy is.

Today was a HUGE day for him since he has never really been in a group setting that mom or dad wasn’t included in. He is also the first of my children to experience this as both Zack and Libby were in day care from 6 weeks on and remained in day care until I quit working outside the home.

I am happy to report that he LOVED it.
All he talked about from the moment he got home until he went to bed had something to do with school.

Mommy, they have a play kitchen in my classroom.
Mommy, there are soooooo many toys to play with.
Mommy, my teacher Miss L, she’s really nice.
Mommy, I got to have a snack and milk.
Mommy, there is a bathroom in our classroom too!

Everything he told me came out fast and was told with great excitement.

He did make a point to tell me that he got an owie on the playground and Miss L got him a bandaid and he wished I could have been there to kiss it for him and that he missed me.

I have to admit, I missed him as well but it was nice to have some quiet time at home.
In his absence I was able to take a shower for the first time in 4 years that was not interrupted by someone coming in the bathroom, someone crying or someone screaming they needed me.

And, I was not alone in enjoying the quiet.
Ellie did something she had been waiting to do for 6 months.

She napped for two undisturbed hours!!

Who knew that a 3 hour break in the morning would be such a great thing?

Tomorrow begins day 2 of summer school and he cannot wait to go and learn more.

I can’t wait for him to come home and tell me all about it.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that he will sing me another new song too!!!

I am so thankful that our district offers 4K and even more thankful that they offer a summer program to prepare him for the fall.
I am also very thankful to the wonderful teachers who dedicate so much time and effort into educating Alexander, Libby and Zack over the summer.
If it wasn’t for teachers that are so dedicated this summer school program would not exist!
I cannot say thank you enough!!!!

5 Months

Can you believe that our little Ellie is already 5 months old?
I cannot believe how fast the last 5 months have gone by.
She is still nursing like a champ, is eating cereal once a day and still gets up at least once, if not twice during the night.
She is full of smiles and giggles every day and we are all still head over heels in love with her!

4 Months

It is hard to believe that my little Ellie is already 4 months old.

She went in for her 4 month check today and weighed in at 12lbs. 3.5ozs which is almost double her 6lb. 2oz birth weight! She is also 23.5 inches long which means she has grown an inch for each month she is old since birth.

Overall the good Dr. J. was very happy with her progress, strength and loved her smiles!

After 2 shots, some crying and lunch she is now taking  the rest of the afternoon off to nap!