Best. Day. Ever.

Today while sitting around and Facebooking, I heard a rumor that Adam Richman was in town.
Not only was he in town but he was filming at the restaurant right up the road from our house!
Now, some of you may not know who the heck Adam Richman is.
If you are one of these people, I don’t know if we can be friends anymore.
In this house, Adam Richman and his shows Man v Food and Man v Food Nation are something we as a family enjoy watching on a regular basis.
I’ve been joking with the Alex for a few months now that if I were to ever leave him it would be for Adam Richman because I think they are A LOT alike!

Needless to say, me being me, I had to go see for myself.
I went and woke up the Alex, we hopped in the van and drove up the road to Kroll’s.
We went inside, ordered some food, ate, saw lots of people with video cameras and microphones, but no Adam in sight.
Boo. Hoo.
And then…..
we went outside.
And there he was.
So of course, we couldn’t leave since he was filming.
We were going to take a picture but were asked not to while the filming was taking place.
We waited.
And waited.
And waited some more.
Once they started to move cameras we started to make our way towards the van and closer to OMG–ADAM RICHMAN!
As I got closer, the child size milk shake that I was balancing on top of Alexander’s leftovers started to fall.
Adam kindly came over and stood it back up for me and then…
I couldn’t believe it.
Then, Alexander looked at him and said MAN VERSUS FOOD!
It was a totally surreal moment!

Upon our return home I had to tweet about our awesome experience.

Minutes later my Tweetdeck lit up with these!

Followed by this Direct Message

Now I’m sure it was an assistant and not him that responded but that doesn’t matter because now, now….
My day, is complete!!

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