Becoming a family

For those of you who aren’t in my immediate circle of friends and family,which means a large part of my readership… yes, I am talking about….
This family of 5 that we have created has been going through a lot the last few months.
By a lot, I mean we are going through all of the necessary legal channels to make us an ‘official’ family.
By becoming an ‘official’ family, I mean that the Alex is taking of the responsibility of becoming Zack and Libby’s legal father.
In October, we started the process of step-parent adoption.
As you know, I have a sordid past which produced 2 beautiful children.
Since the Alex has come into their lives, he has more than proved that he is more than their step-dad.
He is their dad.
He is the one who helps take care of them when they are sick.
He is the one who attends their parent teacher conferences.
He is the one who watches their baseball, soccer and football games.
He is the one who provides them with the things they need and the things they want.
He is the one who keeps a roof over their head and food on the table.
He is the one who helps with homework.
He is the one who loves them unconditionally as if they were his biological children.
He is their Dad.
So far, we have been playing a waiting game.
A very, very, very long waiting game.
There has been A LOT of paperwork.
There have been background checks.
6 of them to be exact.
There has been an interview with the Child Welfare/Adoption Specialist who has been assisting us through this process.
And now, now we wait.
We are waiting for her final report.
Once that is complete, we move on to the next step and file with the courts.
It’s just a matter of time before we become an ‘official’ family.
We can’t wait!

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