5 Ways to Get the Best Sleep Ever

Nothing can compare to a restful night of sleep. Unfortunately, many people do not get the quality of sleep that they’d like. Stress, a subpar sleeping environment, and your body’s natural rhythms can all make quality sleep more elusive. If you want to improve your nighttime slumber, try using the following five tips.

Paint Your Bedroom

The color of your bedroom can actually affect how you sleep. Colors play an important role in moods, so the last color you see before you close your eyes should be a happy one. Experts believe that hues such as blue and yellow are relaxing and will help calm down your brain. Additionally, matte sheens are preferable over high-gloss sheens, as the reflective surface can agitate your senses.

Practice Yoga

Yoga is a relaxing activity that makes a great way to clear your mind after a long and stressful day. When you practice yoga, you work on controlling your breathing, slowing your heart rate, and loosening your body. By the time you finish a few gentle asanas, both your mind and body should be yearning for the touch of your pillow.

Exercise Regularly

While you probably don’t want to sneak in cardio right before bed, exercising on a regular basis can help people get better sleep. In fact, the National Sleep Foundation performed a study in 2013 that found that people who exercised vigorously got the best sleep. If you’d like to work exercise into your schedule, try to end the sweat sessions at least two hours before you’re scheduled to fall asleep.

Watch What You Eat

What you put in your body makes a difference in how you act and feel. Therefore, you’ll want to avoid certain stimulants, such as nicotine and caffeine, which can cause you to feel wide awake at inopportune times. Also avoid alcohol, which can disrupt your usual patterns of sleep and leave you feeling tired in the morning. Eating big meals before bed is also something you should avoid, as the workings of your stomach may keep you awake.

Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

When sleeping, you breathe deeply and uninhibited. If your home’s indoor air quality is poor, you could be breathing in pollutants and other debris. Your body absorbs these particles, which can lead to a number of unwanted health issues. You can take a few steps to improve the quality of your indoor air, including changing your HVAC system’s air filters on a regular basis, using natural cleaners, and eliminating mold growth.

In addition to keeping your home’s indoor air clean, you also want to keep your home at a comfortable temperature so that you can sleep soundly without waking up with chills or sweating. Many people prefer a temperature between 60 to 67 degrees while sleeping. To make sure your HVAC system is up to par with its temperature controls, consult with a qualified HVAC technician to inspect your system on a regular basis.

With the tips above in your arsenal, you’ll be able to improve your sleeping patterns. When you do, you can wake up feeling rested and ready to tackle whatever the day has in store for you.


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