Is there ever a good time to adopt a dog? There are a few cues you can look for in your family if you’re trying to work out whether now is a good time to introduce a new member of the family. GetYourPet.com is the online pet adoption community where people who want to adopt a pet connect with people who need to rehome a dog (or cat).
Adopting a pet is certainly one of the most rewarding experiences. Beyond the belly rubs, kisses, and cuddles, adopting a dog is essentially giving that dog a second chance at life, love, and happiness. One breed who knows the trials and tribulations of adoption better than any other breed is the pit bull. Also known as the American Bully, American pit bull terrier, or American Staffordshire terrier, these powerful dogs boast a troublesome yet inspiring past however, as a former ‘Bully Mom’ I can tell you that they are some of the sweetest and most gentle animals you will ever meet. GetYourPet.com can help you find the perfect Pitbull for your family!
When You Feel Like There’s Something Missing
Do you feel like there’s something missing? You don’t necessarily need to decide to have another baby to complete your family. Many people believe that a family isn’t complete without a canine companion to top it off. Just watch films like Marley And Me, and you’re bound to see why dogs are so loved and make a real part of the family. Sure, you wouldn’t want a dog that behaves like Marley, but it isn’t difficult to see how much they still loved him. If you’ve never watched this film, make sure you have tissues stockpiled.
When You Feel Your Kids Could Benefit
Your kids can always benefit from a dog, providing you choose a breed that suits your budget, lifestyle, space, and other factors. Here are just a few benefits your kids can enjoy from a dog:
- A companion and best friend
- Support
- Stress relief by petting a dog
- Stay active and get outdoors more
- Teach responsibility
- Be more compassionate and empathetic
These are just a few benefits your kids could enjoy when you decide to get a dog. Studies show that families with dogs are also much healthier in general! If your kids get bored, don’t do much outside, are short on friends, or don’t really like getting outside, a dog could potentially change all of that.

When You Want to Encourage Your Kid’s Development
Whether your child is developing at a regular pace or a fairly slow pace, getting a dog could encourage their development like never before. Allowing them to be the one in charge of making sure their new dog has food and water when needed, they’ll also feel like they are needed! Dogs can encourage children’s development in so many ways.
You Want To Get Out Of The House More
If you don’t get out of the house much right now, be warned: a dog won’t necessary change that. You might get one with good intentions, but it could easily be a false start. You get the dog and think that this will make you a more active family, but alas, the dog just gets under-exercised. It’s a good idea to get outside a bit more first, and then get the dog to encourage your new lifestyle. Some dogs don’t need as much exercise as others, so make sure you get a breed that will suit your activity levels.
When You’re Not Expecting Changes Any Time Soon
It isn’t fair to get a dog right now if you’re moving soon, or if you might lose your job, take a pay cut, or something like that. You should be pretty stable before you decide to get a dog, as changes like this can be hard on them. Plus, you’d hate to have to give them away to another family if you can’t afford them anymore. Not only is it heartbreaking for the family, it’s heartbreaking for them too.
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