Tag Archives: pregnancy

Baby Bump Update: 18 Weeks

It’s hard to believe that I am now 18 weeks pregnant.
This pregnancy seems to be flying by. That might have something to do with the face that we didn’t find out we were expecting until I was just over 9 weeks along.
I had a checkup on the 15th of March and we got to hear baby’s heartbeat and it was nice and strong and my belly is measuring spot on right now.

My nausea seems to be easing up and I don’t feel the need to puke 24 hours a day, now it’s about 12 hours a day.  The good news is that the nausea is going away by using Preggie Pops Drops. I discovered these bad boys when we were at the mall one afternoon and I was searching my phone for something to help. Thankfully a local store had them in stock. They have been attached to me since!  Since the drops have been making things better, I haven’t had to take the Zofran which means I’m no longer popping laxatives like a crazy woman.

We have our next appointment scheduled for April 12th and I will be 20 weeks 6 days.  I will be having an ultrasound at that appointment and a full body scan of the baby to make sure all is okay with our little Joey.

In other baby related news, we have some exciting reviews coming up for baby items and I am looking forward to sharing them with you and am hoping to throw some great giveaways in there as well.

Until next time!




**Preggie Pops Drops is not associated with this post, they are just my saving grace during this pregnancy and help me keep my meals down!**

13 Weeks 2 Days

This morning, I had my monthly baby check with my OB to see how things are going with Baby Joey. I’m still nauseous all the time and still struggling with keeping food down but apparently that hasn’t affected baby or my weight as I apparently gained 14 pounds in the last 4 weeks. Dr is thinking something is off on the scale or my anti-nausea meds have my severely constipated because my entire last pregnancy I gained 14 pounds. So, in the meantime I’m enjoying some laxatives and monitoring what I eat, which actually isn’t a lot because nothing tastes good to me right now.

Dr K. tried to pick up fetal heart tones with the doppler but once again, we struggled so I had a quick ultrasound and was able to peek in on baby!!

Here are two pics of Joey from this morning at 13 weeks 2 days gestation.

I’m thinking girl.

February 18th 2013 Ultrasound 13 weeks 2 Days View 2

12 Weeks 2 Days

While, I’ve survived the first 12 weeks 2 days of this pregnancy but I’ll be honest…it has not been easy.  I am still battling the nausea and exhaustion along with some serious mood swings.  I am hoping that things will start to look up over the next few weeks.

Well there isn’t much baby related stuff I can do to prepare right now, we have been trying to get other projects done around the house.  Yesterday, Alex put up the new backsplash in the kitchen and we are hoping to get the kitchen completed within the next week or two.  There isn’t much left to do and I am looking forward to checking it off the list.  Since we will be doing a basement remodel in spring, we also will be working hard next weekend to clean out the rest of the basement and finish organizing so the remodel won’t be so crazy.

As far as baby Peanut goes, all seems to be going pretty well.  I have an appointment with the Dr next Monday and hopefully just a few more weeks until we find out if Peanut is a boy or a girl.  I am hoping for another girl because Ellie would have a great playmate and I can finally design a totally girly bedroom!

Until next week!

1st trimester, you are not my friend

Ugh….1st trimester….

Now that I am 10 weeks pregnant, I have come to the conclusion that there are a few things I definitely did not miss about being pregnant.   First of all, I do not enjoy being pregnant as each of my pregnancies has become more uncomfortable than the last and Ellie’s was by far the most uncomfortable….I am hoping Peanut is kind to me.

I know I did not miss the having to get up and pee every 5-10 minutes.  It is really quite the bother and I’d rather have a catheter than get up and go constantly.  It never fails, I go, come back, sit down and get situated and get ready to work, eat, sleep or even watch a movie/show and I’m getting right back up to go again.

I am also not a fan of being nauseated 24/7, constipated, pukey and so damn tired that I can’t sleep, want to do nothing but sleep or can’t function at all.  This is a daily occurrence.

Now, don’t get me wrong….I am excited to be having another baby and growing our family once again, but in all honesty, the first trimester blows and I am hoping to see a great deal of improvement as the weeks go on and I am keeping my fingers crossed that my SPD doesn’t return for this pregnancy and all the pain that accompanies it stays away.  My SPD was the worst part of my pregnancy with Ellie.  It started at week 13 and didn’t improve until after birth.  Although she is 13 months old now, my pelvis is still not fully healed so fingers crossed things do not worsen as the weeks go by.  Stay away SPD!!!!

In other baby news, I am anxious to learn if we will be adding a boy or a girl to our crew and can’t wait to start decorating and preparing for all things baby.  We will be pretty much starting over again.  Since we thought we were done having babies, we sold and donated almost all of our baby items in the last few months.  I’m hoping for another little girl so Ellie has someone closer in age to play with and do all things girly but most of all, I just want a healthy baby.

So, today marks 10 weeks 2 days…..only 29 weeks and 5 days to go!




Welcoming Unexpected Changes

As announced yesterday, we are expecting baby number five in August.  Although this is very, VERY unexpected news our entire family and our friends are excited and everyone is being very supportive.

Needless to say, we are welcoming some unexpected changes.

In order to make room for Peanut, we will be building Zack a bedroom in the basement along with a family room and an office space.  Moving Zack to the basement will allow us to move Alexander into his own space and Ellie and Peanut will share a room when it is time since Peanut will room with us the first few months.

As much as Alexander wants to continue to share a room with Ellie, because he feels as her big brother it is his job to protect her, I finally have him convinced that having his own room will be AWESOME!

As you can see, evidenced below, both of the littles are excited about the new baby!

As for me, I am still adjusting to the fact that I am pregnant again.  Having the ultrasound has helped a little but I’m still working out a few things.  2013 was supposed to be the year in which I was going to lose weight and take control of my life again and now that plan has been put on hold.

So far, this pregnancy hasn’t been easy either.  I have been nauseated beyond anything I have ever experienced before and am downing Zofran 2-3 times a day so I don’t feel pukey, I’m currently on my 2nd stint of bed rest, yes at just over 9 weeks I have been on bed rest twice!  The first was Friday night after I experienced some bleeding and spoke with the doctor who told me that given my history I would be spending the rest of my weekend with my feet up and relaxing until my appointment Monday.  After my appointment, all was well until today when I had some more bleeding and passed a blood clot and landed myself on bed rest for the rest of the week and I get to follow up with the good ob-gyn on Friday.

Pregnancy is so much fun.

The good thing about bed rest is that I might actually be able to get some work done since there isn’t much else I can do while laying in bed or sitting in the recliner with my feet up.

So, if you need me, chances are pretty good that I will be available via the internet.  Also, please feel free to bring gifts of chocolatey goodness on over to help me recuperate!