Tag Archives: General Mills

Discover The Secret Life of Pets with BigG Cereals #BigGPets

As pet parents, we often wonder what Balty does when we are not home. This is actually a question that even our little kids have asked us. When we leave the house, we try to have the TV on for his favorite pet programming so it is not so quiet and he isn’t ‘alone’.

Now, with the film, The Secret Life of Pets, in theaters, the kids are even more curious what happens when we aren’t home and they have come up with a few ideas. According to Ellie, when we leave, our house turns into a party zone for all of the other pets in the neighborhood.

The Secret Life of Pets and Big G Cereals

Thanks to the partnership with The Secret Life of Pets, specially marked boxes of General Mills Big G Cereals (Honey Nut Cheerios, Cheerios Multi Grain, Lucky Charms, Trix and Cocoa Puffs) will feature free character collectibles, including: Max the pampered terrier mix, Duke the massive mutt, Snowball the leader of the flushed pets, Buddy the sarcastic dachshund, Gidget the naïve, but gutsy Pomeranian and Chloe the fat cat.

Big G cereals are a staple in our home and a family breakfast favorite!

Ellie had a lot of fun creating a pet house for all of her new collectible toys.

Of course, once Ellie was all done painting, it was time to play with her new friends from The Secret Life of Pets and get to know them.

I kid you not, she played with them for hours. She played in the house, on the porch, in the yard, and even invited a friend over to join her.

These are definitely Ellie’s favorite find inside a cereal box and she has asked that we buy more cereal so she has 2 full sets! (You can find these specially marked boxes of General Mills Big G Cereals on shelves at retailers nationwide now through July, while supplies last).

Of course, now that she knows all about The Secret Life of Pets, we will be heading to the movie theater this weekend to see the film.

Check Out Crusoe the Dachshund

Be sure to watch this cute video of Crusoe the celebrity Dachshund and friends as they strut down the ‘green-grass’ carpet.”

Compensation was provided by General Mills via MomTrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of General Mills or Momtrends. 

Making Minion Munch Chex Mix

*The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.  I received a promotional item in order to facilitate this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.*

As a family that enjoys movie as well as snacking, we are always happy to combine the two for a fun family movie night.  

Thanks to our friends at General Mills, our recent family movie night was taken care of with a copy of Despicable Me 2 and a few ingredients along with the recipe for Minion Munch Chex Party Mix.  We love Chex Mix so adding a new recipe to the mix was a lot of fun.

This Minion Munch Chex mix is just as delicious as it looks and even with making a double batch, we had no problem devouring it!


You can connect with Chex Mix on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Win It





Make It

Grab the recipe below to make your own Minion Munch Chex Mix for your family movie night!

[yumprint-recipe id=’35’]

Fill Your Bowl with General Mills Retro Monster Cereals

*This post is brought to you by General Mills.  The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

October is a VERY exciting month for our family right now!  Thanks to our friends at General Mills, we have been enjoying some retro Monster Cereals.  You know, those cool cereals from when you were a kid!

From now until October 31st, you can find your favorite Monster Cereals at a Target Store near you!  Fill your house with these retro favorites!

This was Alexander and Ellie’s first experience with the Monster Cereals and I am pretty sure they are hooked!

Of course, Alexander and Ellie weren’t the only ones who got in on the Monster Cereal action, Alex was thrilled to find these when he ran to Target to grab a few essentials yesterday.

Continue reading Fill Your Bowl with General Mills Retro Monster Cereals

Back-To-School Prize Pack #MyBlogSpark

This back-to-school season will be as easy as 1-2-3 with a little help from General Mills, Crayola, and Target, the one-stop-shop for all your back-to-school needs! Head to the front of the class and check out www.GrocerySavvy.com where you’ll find even more coupons for back-to-school, recipes, and a special 2012 “Grocery Savvy Crayola® Back To School” Sweepstakes! Be sure to enter the sweepstakes for your chance to win one of the 700 Crayola® 8-count Washable Dry Erase Crayons or one of 20 Crayola® Dry-Erase Activity Centers Zany Play Edition.

As we are preparing to send the kids back to school right after Labor Day, I have been busy stocking up on school supplies, snacks, breakfast items, and more. Let me tell you, getting 3 kids ready to head to school is crazy!

Thanks to Target, through August, you can purchase specially marked Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars, Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries, and Big G Cereal packages and you can save up to $5 on Crayola products! You can save even more on General Mills products when you purchase specially marked Crayola 64 count crayons and participating Big G cereals will even feature a fun Crayola coloring activity on back!

Disclosure: The product, gift pack, information, and additional sample have been provided by Crayola, Target, and General Mills through MyBlogSpark.

Whole Grain is the First Ingredient #MyBlogSpark

As we all know, eating whole grains is important to our diets. In our house we have been working hard to introduce the kids to more whole grains, you know, whole grains that taste good to them and they have absolutely NO CLUE that what they are eating is filled with whole grains!

General Mills has pumped Cheerios®, Lucky Charms®, Cinnamon Toast Crunch®, Honey Nut Cheerios® and Total® with whole grains and my kids don’t even realize that what they are eating is good for them!

General Mills has also made it so whole grain is listed as the first ingredient when you look at the side of the box indicating that whole grain is the first and most prevalent ingredient.

To help with choosing products with whole grain, General Mills developed “Fast Lane for Whole Grain,” an online educational game. Consumers can navigate virtual grocery store aisles and identify products that have whole grain as the first ingredient, with the option to enter a sweepstakes to win one of each of the 50 cereals with the white check. Make a commitment to add more whole grain to your diet by simply pouring a bowl of cereal with the white check including Cheerios®, Lucky Charms®, Cinnamon Toast Crunch®, Honey Nut Cheerios® and Total®. For more information on the importance of whole grain and a chance to enter the “Fast Lane for Whole Grain” sweepstakes, visit www.WholeGrainNation.com.

According to Dr. Travis Stork, emergency room physician and host of “The Doctors,” identifying whole grain products can be challenging. Shoppers can look for nutritional cues on the front of the box, but they need to read the ingredient list to know if they are getting enough whole grain. Ingredient lists detail ingredients in order of prevalence, and if the words “whole grain” are followed by a grain like wheat or oats, it means the food contains more whole grain than any other single ingredient. Here´s how to determine if your cereals have whole grain as a first ingredient:

With all the health messages facing grocery store shoppers, it can be confusing to translate what appears on food labels into nutritional needs, and hard to determine which foods have a meaningful amount of whole grain. Dr. Stork has some additional recommendations to help you include whole grain easily into your diet. They include:
Start Early! The Dietary Guidelines recommend people get at least 48 grams of whole grain in their daily diets. Get a jump-start on the day´s nutrition by incorporating whole grain into your morning routine. For instance, when choosing cereal make sure whole grain is listed as the first ingredient. One easy choice is cereal with the white check, which have more whole grain than any other single ingredient.
Make Simple Swaps. Choose whole grain versions of the foods you love. Great options include whole wheat pasta and whole wheat bread or even whole grain crackers. Also, try different types of whole grain. Use brown rice instead of white rice as a side dish at dinner or popcorn, which is a whole grain, for a snack.
Don´t Judge a Food by Its Cover. The front of food packages provide good nutritional cues, but don´t forget to read the ingredients and check the nutrition label and side labels for additional health information. Cereals with the white check even include the amount of whole grain per serving on packaging.