*I wrote this review while participating in an Influencer campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. and received a promotional item from Mom Central to thank me for participating.*
Hi, my name is Anne and I’ve had glasses since I was in the third grade. My eyesight, is HORRIBLE….absolutely horrible and unfortunately I have passed the bad eye gene onto at least one of my kids so far.
I wore ugly, thick lensed glasses from 3rd grade until I was a freshman in high school when my mom FINALLY let me get contacts.
It wasn’t until I got my first pair of contacts that I realized just how important it was for me to start protecting my eyes from UV rays. I believe this is when I developed a deep love for large (dark) sunglasses.

According to the leading experts in eyecare, it is difficult to isolate the amount of damage that ultrviolet radiation imposes on the eye over extended periods of time. Short-term damage can be hard to notice but over time, the sun can cause irreversible damage to all structures of the eye and tissues that are not protected.
So. Not. Cool.
While UV blocking contact lenses can provide some level of additional protection from UV exposure, ACUVUE® is the ONLY major brand of lenses that blocks approximately 97% 0f UV-B and 81% of UV-A rays as standard acroos their entire line of products!
Now that summer is upon us (last day of school is tomorrow for us) and we are going to be spending A LOT of time outside and in the sun, you can guarantee I will be wearing my ACUVUE® contact lenses when we are out and about along with my trusty sunglasses. It’s possible, you might….just might…find me on a beach on Friday wearing contacts, sunglasses and a hat to keep myself protected.
Eye health is something that is important to me since I’ve had glasses most of my life and I want to ensure that my kids protect their eyes too and I like to start them early!

Are you keeping your eyes and your children’s eyes protected? Check out Facts for Your Health: The Sun & Your Eyes: What You Need to Know for more tips and protecting everyone!
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