We’ve all seen couples that got together as childhood sweethearts and have lived a long and happy life together. It’s something we all want, and dream about one-day finding ourselves. However, even when we’re married and found the person we want to spend the rest of our lives with, there are plenty of ups and downs. However, when you know what to be mindful of, you can ensure your marriage stays healthy and happy.
With this in mind, today we’re going to explore some of the best ways you can promote longevity in your marriage and keep your golden years rolling.
Don’t Compare
In the introduction above, we said about looking at other couples and thinking to yourself, ‘damn, that’s something that I want.’ Try your best not to compare to others. Every relationship is different and unique in its own right, and what you see with a passing couple is only what you see at that moment. No relationship is perfect, and every relationship has its good times and bad times.
Don’t waste your energy comparing yourself to other couples and instead focus on what makes your relationships special. What you and your partner have is unique, and when you focus on this, you can do anything.
Be Committed
This point may seem a little obvious, but it’s important to make sure you’re committing to being committed. When you see someone every day and have been with them for 40 years, it’s very easy to fall into comfortable habits and routines and becoming complacent. A long-lasting marriage takes waking up every day and deciding you’re going to be committed to this person through thick and thin, no matter what life throws at you.

While a large part of love is natural, the other part of it is a daily choice and commitment, and not just the commitment you made on your wedding day.
Listen to Your Partner
Listening is so much more important than talking when it comes to a relationship because you’re a team, and teams communicate with one another. They share feelings, set boundaries, and be vulnerable with each other, sharing fears, hopes, and dreams. Just as much as you want to open up to your partner, they want to be open with you, and just like you want to be heard and understood, they want that from that.
As you grow older, listening can become harder and harder, even physically with old age. This is why it’s important that you look into hearing devices that fit your preferences; all to ensure you can connect with your loved ones as best as possible.
Being There for Each Other
Perhaps the most important thing to remember in any marriage is that you are guaranteed to have hard times, and how you deal and respond to these hard times will determine how you grow and stay together. Whether you’re tackling something individually or you’re going through something together, hold each other close and work it out. Don’t leave them on their own.
As you can see, there are lots of points to think about when it comes to creating and nurturing a marriage that will stand the test of time and can last for many years to come. Be proactive in your marriage, be committed to your marriage, and you can sure you’ll survive anything.