Red. There are 23 shades of red, apparently. Our connection to the colour red runs deep. It’s an emotional colour. Red means love. Red means danger. Anger and passion are both red. Flames are associated with red, even though fire isn’t actually red, bizarrely. In Asia, red means good fortune. People dressed in red are, according to a study, deemed more attractive than when they are not dressed in red. In the sporting arena, psychologists have long known the connection between an athlete seeing red and experiencing brief bursts of energy. Red is a show of force – there’s a reason the colour red is often preferred for the paint work on high-end sports cars. All of this leaves us wearers of eyeglasses with one burning question – will red eyeglasses suit me? Let’s look into it – also see red glasses from EyeBuyDirect for ideas.

Matching your frames to your hair colour
Luckily for people whose hair is of a natural hue (even if it is a chemically enhanced natural shade), the colour red sits perfectly in the colour spectrums associated with browns, blondes, raven hair, and of course, red hair. Let’s start with brunettes. Brown and red can be seen in autumnal leaves of trees and bushes. The colours perfectly complement each other, and brunettes should consider switching to a red frame during these months for the perfect seasonal effect. The same can be said of blonde hair, with yellows and reds mixing arguably more evenly between the summer and the autumn. Black or raven hair mixed with red frames makes a bold statement and may not be to everyone’s tastes – which links us nicely our next point of matching your frames to your outlook.
Matching your frames to your personality
Red isn’t for the light of heart. Red signals ambition. Red desires attention. If you want to attract excitement and energy and stimulating conversations then red is the colour for you. Rarely do we come across individuals who are not entirely sure of themselves who choose to wear red, and when we do come across such individuals, we’re confused by the misappropriation of such an extravagant colour palette. Red frames are therefore for people who want to engage. With other people. With their career. With their interests. With life in general. The best advice here about wearing red frames is that you shouldn’t be at all surprised if your decision to wear red frames doesn’t bring about an upward change in fortune in terms of how the world sees and responds to you.