Category Archives: Resources

Home on the Range: The Realities of Running Your Own Ranch

There are plenty of people who dream of a better life and think that the lifestyle change they need to make is to start a new life at home on the range.

The question you have to ask yourself is do you know what life is really like running your own ranch?

Here are some things you should know before you commit to buying a ranch so that you can go in with your eyes wide open and know the pros and cons of this sort of lifestyle. Including why location and infrastructure matters, why buying this type of property can prove a good investment and an insight on the different grades of ranches available.

Enjoying a peaceful untroubled life

That is the ultimate aim when you get closer to nature and enjoy ranch-style living but in order to achieve that goal, you are going to have to do your homework and ask all the right questions in order to make sure you buy a property that ticks all the right boxes.

There are a couple of key points that you need to get out of the way straight away when you are searching for suitable ranch through someone like

It is always wise to remember that the seller is going to focus on the plus points about their ranch property and will not be so keen to point out any pitfalls or specific issues that could spoil your enjoyment.

Near the top of your list should be good access to your property. It is often going to lower the value and the enjoyment of your ranch if the quality of the roads surrounding your ranch are not good, or you have to cross another owner’s property to get to yours.

Investment potential

Another salient point to keep in mind is that owning and managing a ranch continues to grow in popularity as a steady alternative investment class.

Average returns for ranch lands have been achieving about 3% per year in recent times, which doesn’t take into account any income you are able to generate from livestock and the land itself.

As your realtor will no doubt confirm, some ranch lands have been appreciating at a much faster rate than that, so there is the potential to turn your lifestyle dream into a viable investment opportunity.

Check out the restrictions

You might be able to buy a ranch with land that stretches as far as the eye can see, but regardless of how much land you acquire along with the ranch itself, you need to know exactly what you can and can’t do with the land.

Pertinent questions you should be asking the agent include whether the land is subject to zoning and other land use restrictions that might exclude the use of pesticides and burning, amongst other things.

Check whether there are any designated archaeological sites or wetlands and whether there are existing easements, plus what the flood potential and drainage situation is. Other issues that you should check for are whether you can enjoy uncontrolled hunting and fishing and if the area has been designated for population growth.

Class-A lifestyle

If you see an investment opportunity described as a Class-A ranch, you will be looking at a ranch that is considered to be in one of the best possible locations, and with other positive attributes like a healthy wildlife habitat and profitable cattle operations.

It goes without saying that these prime grade ranches go for a premium price but they will often have demonstrated an admirable ability to generate an income and hold their value through varying economic conditions.

Buying for the lifestyle

If you compare smaller, recreational ranches against Class-A ranches purely from an investment perspective, you will probably see that these more modest ranch operations didn’t fare so well in an economic downturn.

You can view that two ways. If you are buying primarily for the lifestyle it delivers, you won’t need to worry so much about how quickly your property investment is appreciating, but if you are purely assessing the investment potential, digging deeper for a better quality ranch might help deliver a stronger financial return.

The other positive point to consider about a recreational ranch is that you could potentially pick up a ranch that is being offered at a lower price than it once was, which gives you the chance to enjoy a rise in value while enjoying your decision to start a life on the ranch.

Ron Morris, co-founder of Ranch Marketing Associates, has an extensive background in real estate which began in 1975. Following his graduation from the University of Northern Colorado, Ron worked with some of the largest real estate firms in the United States. He has developed a broad range of experience in the brokerage, marketing, acquisition, management and disposition of real estate properties. Ron has over 40 years of real estate experience, selling over 3 million acres of land. He specializes in large ranch properties throughout the western United States and has handled complex multi-million dollar transactions representing both Buyers and Sellers. During the last 20 years as a ranch broker, Ron has sold over $500 million in ranch, recreation and resort properties throughout the western United States. Ron was born and raised in Colorado, the son of an avid outdoorsman, so hunting and fishing were a big part of his early years. In addition, Ron spent every summer through high school working on the family’s ranch near Durango, Colorado, where chores were done every day. The experience established a work ethic at an early age. The degree of success has come from those hard work roots and years of experience in refining his real estate skills. With a background in farming and ranching, corporate experience and a passion for the western lifestyle, Ron has a thorough understanding of his client’s needs. In addition, his experience in livestock operations, wildlife management, water, agriculture resource management and conservation easements allows him to provide his clients with the highest degree in service.


Stop Selling Candy or Asking for Money to Help Your School or Church Fundraise

This is a guest post written for The Megalomaniac Mommy by Wayne Elsey on behalf of Funds2Orgs.


If you’re reading “The Megalomaniac Mommy,” then you’re probably a parent. And, if your kids are in school, I’d guess that you may be tired of all of the fundraising and requests for money. I’m a grandfather and my grandkids will be entering school soon. I’m expecting to go into what I refer to as “round 2” of school fundraising ideas when my grand-daughter begins school. But, it’s not just schools. It’s also the fundraising that happens for churches, sports teams or other good causes. Allow me to share with you some of my story and how I sought to change fundraising.

I began my career in the footwear industry at the age of 15 with my first job at a retail shoe store as part of a work-study program. Years later I became the president of a shoe manufacturing company. And, it was during that time that one day I found myself in my home watching the television with the rest of the world seeing the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. A single shoe washed ashore and I remember being struck by the image. I wondered if the person who owned the shoe had lived or died.

I remember thinking to myself, “Wayne, you’re a fool if you don’t do something to help.” With a team of driven professionals, we marshaled our resources and shipped hundreds of thousands of shoes to families who had lost everything. Even a pair of shoes, something many of us take for granted, became a great need.

That set my life in a new direction. I began working with people in developing nations. I also realized that nonprofits, schools, churches, families and donors were tired of the relentless candy and cookie dough sales. They were also tired of having to give money to the various fundraisers. People don’t have an endless supply of cash-on-hand.

After countless discussions, I decided to do something. Funds2Orgs was created by a team of people who realized we could help schools, churches, nonprofits and others fundraise and also give a hand-up to micro-entrepreneurs in developing nations. Since we were established, we became the leading shoe drive fundraising social enterprise in North America. But, you don’t have to take my word for it. We’re accredited by the Better Business Bureau.

With all my years in the footwear business, philanthropy and as a social entrepreneur, we created a thriving fundraising business. No one has to sell candy or cookie dough. No one has to open their wallets. All that has to happen is our shoe drive partners have to collect gently worn, used and new shoes. The more shoes collected, the more money that’s made for a good cause. Funds2Orgs issues a check based on the total weight of the shoes.

The premise is simple. You collect gently worn, used and new shoes. We issue a check based on the total weight of the shoes collected to your favorite school, church or even adoption fundraiser. With no out-of-pocket costs, we give our partners the following:

The shoe collection, promotion, and marketing materials.

  • A team of fundraising coaches to work with you throughout the fundraiser.
  • Pick up of the shoes from the storage location.
  • A check issued within 2 business days of the shoes being received and processed at our warehouse.

At our social enterprise, we believe in three principles which help us (and you) make a difference:

  1. Our shoe drive fundraiser is a creative way to engage people without selling anything or asking for money.
  2. Shoes from your shoe drive are shipped to micro-entrepreneurs (small business owners) in developing countries. In other words, the shoes help people support themselves with business opportunities.
  3. A shoe drive with us provides communities across the country with a socially responsible way to get rid of unwanted shoes. Shoe drives prevent footwear from ending up in landfills where they harm the environment and health.

We invite you to see for yourself what we’re all about and how we can help you. Get your free information kit today.



5 Great Money Tips for the Unemployed

If you have been, or are about to be, unemployed, you are likely to be under a lot of emotional and financial stress. Before you let yourself get too upset, it is important to realize that there are many things you can do during this time to help yourself stay financially secure. The important thing is to be proactive and take control of your finances as soon as possible. Below are five great money tips for those who are currently, or about to be unemployed.


  1. Apply for Benefits

Depending on your specific situation, you may be eligible for goverenment assistance. This can help offset some of your household bills. It is important that you apply for benefits through your local human services department, as soon as possible, even if you know you will have a waiting period. This will ensure that everything is in place and your payments will start as soon as you are eligible. 

  1. Understand Your Limitations

One of the first things you want to do once you know you are going to be unemployed is to take a look at your current financial status. You need to look at home much money you have available and your expenses. This will give you a clear picture of how much money you have available and how long you will be able to stay financially secure until you need to take some additional action.

  1. Adjust Your Current Budget

Now is the time to adjust your budget and look for ways to cut back on your everyday spending. Look for ways to cut back on your utility bills, food expenses, and entertainment costs. This may include cutting back on your energy use, purchase your groceries in bulk and with coupons, and use public transportation rather than using your own vehicle. Remember that this is only a temporary reduction until you are able to find another job.

  1. Contact You Lenders

If you already know you are going to have some trouble paying some of your bills, you need to contact you lenders or service providers immediately. Explain your situation and ask if they are willing to make alternative payment arrangements, until you are back to work. Do not wait until you are far behind in your bills to contact these companies. Many companies have a hardship office and they will be more willing to work with you if you are proactive then if you wait unitl your bills are way past due.

  1. Short Term Contract Jobs or Loans

Even if you are receiving government assistance, it is likely that you will still be able to work on a part-time or contract basis and still receive benefits. This may be able to bring in just enough extra money to help keep you financially secure until you can find a full-time position. In addition, you can use this job on your resume so there is no lapse in your employment history. If you are unable to find a short term contract, you can look into securing a short term loan such as car title loan Sacramento, to help you get by until you can find work.


These tips will help you get through this difficult time and protect yourself financially until you are able to find another job. The most important thing is to get control of your finances as soon as possible, before you run out of funds. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to stay on top of your finances. This will help you reduce your spending to a point where you are able to maintain household until you have steady income again.



Financial Assistance Resources

One of the hardest things to ask for, for many people is financial help. There can be a strong feeling of failure or embarrassment so many people avoiding asking and get in further trouble. If you are a person or family dealing with financial hardship, there is help out there and it’s easy enough to ask for. The support you can receive includes; help with food, shelter, basic necessities and even education for yourself and family. Learn about the different social services that are available to help maintain a certain standard of living or improve your current standard of living. Low Income Financial Help has provided five great resources to help with common financial issues.


HUD Portal

The US Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has a number of resources for those that are seeking assistance with their current or future housing situation. If you need Rental Assistance or financial aid to find housing this portal offers the most comprehensive choice. From private but subsidized housing, to finding public housing in your area to the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8), this portal covers most options for those in need of shelter.

Food & Nutrition Service

The United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service website offers the most comprehensive breakdown of federal programs offering food resources for those in need. You can find all their programs here. From their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), to specialty programs targeting at risk populations such as nursing mothers, children or native Americans and seniors. This federal service is responsible for most food distribution to state and local food banks and pantries as well as national food provision programs like food stamps.

Benefits, Grants & Loans

Sometimes you just need a little help whether it is through a grant, that you do not have to repay, a loan with forgiving terms and rates or benefits that you need, the site provides a great resource. This includes free money for Americans that are in need, depending on the program. Topics include, housing, food and nutrition, seniors, veterans, business owners, families, education assistance, job and unemployment assistance and even farm or rural assistance. See if you qualify.

Educational Resources

Often assistance is supplemental but does not change your financial situation. Yet with the Federal Student Aid program, the assistance can substantially change your lifestyle by providing an education. The site helps you determine if you are eligible, what types of aid you may qualify for and how to apply for aid and prepare for college. The types of aid include low cost loans, grants, scholarships and work-study jobs. There is even a Free Application for Federal Student Aid ensuring all can apply.

Managing Your Finances

One of the better government services websites that can actually help you manage your monthly finances is the Federal Trade Commission website that helps with all manner of personal finance. The website provides a wealth of information on everyday financial burdens and how to either improve your situation or overcome it. From managing the process of owning or buying a car, dealing with debt either through better money management or debt consolidation to getting better employment and making more money. The website provides a number of advice articles and links to reputable services in financial matters should you need them.

There are many sites that purport to help you in your financial need, yet always visit reputable and government backed websites first to confirm the nature of the programs.