Category Archives: Parenting

Easily Set Parental Controls with the OurPact App

Having teenagers who are on social media is exhausting. Although my kids are great when it comes to behaving themselves on these platforms, as well as the internet in general, I’ll admit, my kids spend a lot of time of the internet and at times, it is very distracting for them.

Now that they are required to have a device at school with them at all times to connect to the internet, I tend to monitor them A LOT more to ensure they are staying on task while at school. Setting up parental controls on their computers is a breeze but their phones, that’s another story.

When it comes to iPhones, I can restrict use on things but I don’t like to do that unless they are being punished and honestly, setting restrictions is a pain and can get time consuming. Most of the time, the problem I have is one of them is on their phone at school, checking Facebook or posting to Instagram and once they leave the house, I can’t take apps away without their phone in hand.

And then, I met the OurPact App, the best parental control app out there!


OurPact is an app that gives parents the ability to block apps, the internet, and even schedule device use time for your child.

The app is super easy to install and setup when you have downloaded it from the app store. All you have to do is download the app on your phone and register an account. From there, you log into the server on your teens iOS device and agree to the terms of the service and then follow the on-screen steps to complete the process.

Once you are all registered and setup, go to the app on your phone and you now have full control of your child’s device,

With the simple on-screen controls, I can decide how much time the kids have access to their apps and the internet and I can restrict things during certain times like during school hours and sleep hours.

I love the fact that while they are at school, if I see that they are being active on social media, I can easily restrict them from using it with a quick swipe.

The Power of OurPact

  • Schedule Internet and App use according to your child’s daily routine, and among the weekdays or  weekend.
  • Set the number of hours your children spend on the Internet and within Apps.  
  • Block Internet and Apps at­a­touch.  
  • Allow Website and App access, whenever you feel your child “needs more time”, at­a­touch.  
  • Block all apps (eg. Facebook, SnapChat, Intagram, Twitter, etc.), as you see fit. 

Aside from being an awesome and easy to use app, it’s also FREE and if you know me, I like things even more when they don’t cost me extra money!

Get the OurPact App

You can download the OurPact parental control App by ParentsWare in the App Store for Free.



You can connect with OurPact and stay up to date on new features or future apps by following them on Facebook and Twitter.

The Ultimate Bottle Feeding Guide

How you choose to feed your child is one of the important and earliest choices you make for them. When you give your baby a bottle you want to make sure you are doing it safely and smartly, but where do you start? What kinds of bottles should you buy and how many do you need? Well, don’t worry! Here is the only guide you’ll ever need to bottle feed!

To Get Started

One of the first things you need to know is what you need! No matter what kind of bottle you choose you will most definitely need:

  • A minimum of six bottles
  • A minimum of six nipples
  • Sterilizing equipment
  • Bottle and nipple brush

What Type of Bottle?

No doubt if you’ve taken a stroll down the baby aisle at any store you are well aware of the numerous amounts of options available when it comes to bottles. Which is best? That’s really a personal preference. Here’s a breakdown of the types available:

  • Basic baby bottle. These come in a variety of size with no real bells and whistles, just a basic baby bottle. They are good because they can be used with most warmers, sterilizers and carriers and also come with nipples and lids most of the time. The drawback to these is that your baby may swallow air as he or she feeds.
  • Anti-colic bottle. No one is really sure what causes colic, but for some babies it’s an upset tummy. These bottles are designed to reduce the amount of air your baby swallows as they feed. They do tend to be more expensive than basic bottles and may not work to reduce colic in all babies. Plus, some have a lot of parts to clean.
  • Sterilizer bottle. A bottle like this can be popped in the microwave to be sterilized, which makes them really convenient. They can be more expensive, though and require careful handling during sterilization because they get hot!
  • Disposable bottle. These are pre-filled bottles that have a cap and a nipple attached. After you’re done with them, you throw them away. This makes them convenient when you’re out and about but it’s not a very environmentally friendly way to bottle feed.
  • Glass bottle. These are made of glass that is tempered, and is a great alternative for parents that don’t want to use plastic products. They’re environmentally friendly and durable but are heavy and can obviously shatter if dropped. They’re also more expensive.
  • Silicone baby bottle. Honest offers a silicone baby bottle that has the advantage of being free of plastics but also won’t shatter like glass. These are also anti-colic and easy to clean.


If you bottle feed then you will need to sterilize, even after washing the bottle. Sterilizing serves to kill germs that could cause your baby to have an upset tummy – and no one wants a baby with an upset tummy! The four ways to sterilize are:

  • Boiling – good old-fashioned boiling will get the job done; just throw everything in a pot of boiling water for about 10 minutes. This is an inexpensive and convenient way to sterilize, but it can put a lot of wear and tear on the bottles and nipples.
  • Cold sterilizing – this is when you soak everything in a special sterilizing solution. It’s a great method when you’re traveling and is inexpensive but the solution has been known to have a strange smell and it’s not a very fast method since the bottles must soak for at least 30 minutes.
  • Steam sterilizing – this uses a special electric steamer to steam up to 6 bottles at a time. It’s quick and might even be able to be sterilized your breast pump parts too. It’s not an easy method when you’re on the road, though and can be a bit expensive.
  • Microwave sterilizing – special containers are available that fit inside of your microwave that will sterilize bottles. It’s fast and convenient but also may not be compatible with all bottles and nipples, so you have to check.

A Note about Nipples

Nipples come in different flows, sizes and materials. You need to match the flow with the age and development of your baby, but finding the right nipple for you baby usually involves a lot of trial and error. Some babies may prefer a nipple that mimics a mother’s nipple, while some may like latex or silicone nipples. There are also anti-colic nipples to reduce the amount of air you baby gets while feeding and even disposable nipples for travel.

No matter what style of nipple you choose, you will always need to be diligent to check for cracks or breakdown in the material. A damaged nipple could become a choking hazard for your baby.

In the End

Only you and your baby can choose what is right. Just be prepared to try a few different kinds before you find one that works. Don’t sweat it too much, because before you know it you’ll have this whole newborn baby thing figured out!

6 Weeks In

It’s crazy to think that we are hitting the 6 week mark since this happened….

Yes, this week Thursday marks 6 weeks since Zack got his license. It’s crazy.

There are moments when I still can’t believe that I have a kid that is driving and then there are moments when I am so freaking happy that I have a kid that is driving.

He runs to the store for me. 

He picks Alexander up from school.

He drives himself and Libby to and from school.

He drives himself to and from work.

He drives himself and his girlfriend to the movies and dinner.

Zack having a license has given us freedom because he no longer depends on us for a ride and I really like that I can send him to the store a bazillion times throughout the week to grab something that we need.

Ahhhh….having a teenage driver is nice.

Zack has been doing great since getting his license. He hasn’t been in an accident or been pulled over, he’s a very cautious driver and he’s also learned how to fix a few different things on his car thanks to a few issues we had in the beginning. So far he’s fixed 2 tires, replaced the catalytic convertor and sensor, changed the oil, replaced the starter, rotated the tires, changed the spark plugs and taken it to the car wash.

I’m actually impressed by how clean he keeps it!

Check back with me again in a few weeks on how things are going… that he can drive he went and got himself a new job!