Category Archives: Child Safety/Recalls

How To Ensure You’re Being Safe Online

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Although it may not feel like it, a lot of the things you do will usually involve having to use the internet at some point. Whether you’re updating your Facebook status, ordering a new book on Amazon or trying to find out which actor is playing your favourite character in a TV show – you will be using the internet.

If you’re not already, you need to be sure that you’re using the internet in a safe way, avoiding jeopardizing vital information about you and your family. If you’re not careful your cards could be cloned, your house could be burgled or your identity could be stolen, all whilst using the internet.

With that in mind, here are 7 ways to ensure you’re being safe online:

1. Use Passwords That Are Hard To Guess

If you use a password that is easy to guess, the likelihood of you being hacked is much higher than would be if you used something more complicated. Try setting a password that is a combination of letters and numbers that you’ll remember, but no one else will be able to guess.

2. Don’t Store Passwords Anywhere Online, Or Near Your Computer

If you’re the kind of person that needs to write down their passwords in order to remember them, it’s important you store them in a safe place. Do not store them on your phone or on your computer as if it was to be stolen, they’d be able to login to all of your important accounts. If this is the case, they may also be able to access your online banking.

3. Install An Antivirus

Antivirus is a great way to protect your computer and laptop against anything that may be harmful towards it. A virus can often clone all of your important information with every keystroke you make, making it easy for people to hack all of your accounts. With options available for a small price each month, this is definitely something you don’t want to forget.

4. Use ID Verification

If you have a smartphone that uses face or identity verification service, set it up immediately. This will ensure only you can unlock your phone if it was to get lost or worse, stolen.

5. Make Sure You’re Checking A Sites Credibility

Before you purchase anything from a website make sure you’re checking whether or not it is credible. The best way to do this is to check whether or not it has https:// in its URL, rather than just http://. This means the site is secure.

6. Don’t Download Anything Suspicious

If you’re unsure about whether or not something you want to download is safe, don’t download it. Viruses are often carried through digital downloads, so it is better to be safe than sorry.

7. Don’t Overshare On Social Media

A lot of people share absolutely everything on social media without realising that it’s a great way for thieves to gather the information they need to hack into your online accounts. Think about what you’re sharing and whether it can be harmful to you.

Do you worry about being safe online? Let me know if you use any of my tips, or if you have your own, in the comment section below!

Choosing the Correct Child Safety Seat

On a daily basis, your children are in your car. You need to take them to school, extracurricular activities, playmates, the library and so forth. No matter how much time little ones are spending in the car, safety is of major concern. You want to make sure you are following these tips to get a car seat for your precious little ones.

Know the Laws

Before you purchase any safety seat, you need to make sure that it matches the laws for your child’s height, weight and/or age. Find out what the particular laws are governing your situation, and you must be sure to purchase a seat that matches up with these requirements. Some parents think that it’s fine to shirk the law a little bit because things were different when they were growing up. However, they would also probably find that accidents, injuries and deaths for children in car accidents were higher than too.

Space in Your Car

As you are selecting the seats, you need to make sure that the appropriate amount of space exists for them in your vehicle. Be sure to have your car seat inspected to ensure that it is installed properly. This note is especially important if you are putting more than two car seats into the vehicle. Obviously, you also need to pay attention when you are choosing a car.

If you are planning to have children in the near future, then you must think about the space that the car has for such a seat. You can check with your local car dealership, like Rouen Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, to see if they will be conducting a car seat safety checkpoint soon or if they can recommend somewhere for installation.

The Maximum Age

At a certain age, your child might be in-between two safety seats. You need to look at the requirements as a whole, and you may also want to have a conversation with your child’s doctor to find out which seat is better. Now, at some point, your child might be on the cusp of needing a seat and not needing a seat. It is better to err on the side of caution. However, if your child is too old, heavy or tall for the maximum requirements, it could actually be dangerous to keep him or her in it.

Reading Reviews from Parents

Ultimately, you want to hear what other parents have to say about the particular safety seat that you are choosing. Therefore, it’s wise to find forums of people in your community to see what they have to say about the seats. Additionally, you could also look into general reviews online, but make sure they are coming from a reputable source that you trust. Ask your friends who are parents what brands they use. As a result of all this research, you are sure to have a decent idea of what the best models on the market are.

When it comes to safety, you want to exercise the utmost caution because you always want your little ones to be safe. Through following these tips and suggestions, you will be able to create a safer environment when you are travelling with your precious child.

Are Hot Tubs Safe for Children?

Hot tubs can get a bit of a bad rap. When it comes to children being safe around a hot tub, it certainly is possible, but there are a few reasons that parents express their concerns about hot tub safety. It is understandable that parents have their concerns, but with a few little tips, you will be sure to keep your children safe in and around hot tubs.

Risks for Children

Hot tubs can be dangerous when precautions aren’t taken. Some of the most common risks associated with hot tubs for children include:

  • Drowning: Even in a tiny amount of water, there is a risk of
  • Overheating: Small children can’t regulate their body temperatures as well as adults, so they are at risk for overheating in hot water.
  • Jet and Drain Injuries: The jets and drains in the hot tub can snag hair. Children may also put their fingers in the jets and drains, which could lead to injuries.
  • Falls: If children are running, playing, or climbing, in, on, or near a hot tub, they could slip and fall into the water. This could cause injuries or lead to drowning.

How to Keep Your Kids Safe

Now, just because there are risks doesn’t mean you should swear off hot tubs forever. There are ways that you can keep your kids safe when they are going to have access to a hot tub.


1.      Talk to Your Kids About Hot Tub Safety

It seems simple, but before your kids are allowed to be near a hot tub, have a conversation with them about hot tub safety. This is the time that you can establish a list of rules with your children, such as never go into a hot tub without an adult present. Much like the rules that you will find posted at a public swimming pool, these rules can prevent accidents and injuries that are common in hot tubs. Be sure that you aren’t scaring your children, but instead, explain all of the risks and how to prevent them.

2.      Supervise Children When Near a Hot Tub

As an adult, you will want to watch children when they are playing in or near a hot tub. There is a potential risk of injury and drowning, so it is important that there is an adult nearby to manage any situations that may arise. You can even tell your children not to get in a hot tub without adult supervision.

Learning CPR may also help you feel more comfortable allowing your children near hot tubs with supervision. This way, you can help in an emergency situation. It is also a good idea to always have a phone nearby when children are near a hot tub or pool.

As you supervise your children near the hot tub, you can also ensure that they aren’t running near the tub or playing and climbing on the hot tub, which could cause them to slip or fall.

3.      Lower the Water Temperature

One of the main risks that children face in hot tubs is overheating, because hot tubs can reach up to 104°F. Children are more sensitive to heat than adults, so if you are going to let your children in a hot tub, you should consider dropping the temperature to 95°F or lower. This will make the hot tub much safer for kids, and it will be more comfortable for them to sit.

Even at lower temperatures, caution is needed. Be sure that your children are drinking plenty of water while they are in the hot tub to avoid dehydration.

4.      Don’t Let Children Play Under the Water

Hot tubs aren’t swimming pools and playing under the water in a hot tub can be dangerous. Hair can easily get caught in spa jets or drains, while children are swimming in the hot tub. Once hair is caught, children may not be able to free themselves and come up for air.

Kids also have a tendency to put their fingers in the drains and jets, which not only could cause injuries, but it could also get them stuck and trap them under the water. For these reasons, it is a good idea to make a rule against swimming in a hot tub.

5.      Get a Spa Cover and Keep It Locked

If you don’t have a hot tub cover, it is time to buy one. Not only do spa covers keep debris out of your hot tub, but they can also prevent accidents near the hot tub. Once you have a spa cover, you will want to get a lock for it to prevent anyone you don’t want to give access from hopping in the hot tub without warning.

6.      Buy a Drain Cover

Even with a rule that prohibits swimming in the hot tub, it is a good idea to get a drain cover that will help minimize the risk of hair getting sucked into the suction drain. When paired with the rule you have put in place, your child is less likely to have problems getting their hair caught in the drain of your hot tub.

7.      Know Where the Cut-Off Switch is Located

Just in case there happens to be an emergency, you will want to know where the cut-off switch is located on your hot tub. You can also educate everyone else in your household and any visitors who will be using the hot tub on where the switch is and how to turn the hot tub off. This knowledge could help you or someone else save a life.

While it is impossible to prevent 100 percent of accidents, a little education on safety measures can help prevent most accidents. Give yourself the peace of mind of knowing that your children know how to stay safe near hot tubs. Well-educated kids are much less likely to be hurt near or in a hot tub.

SmartPhone Safety for Children

As a parent it’s scary letting your child use social media and browse the internet. The world is becoming more and more accessible every day, and with that, so are our children.

My 3 oldest children (18,17, and 10) all have their own smartphone and of course, my teenagers are active on social media. If my 10-year-old had it his way, he would have SnapChat, a YouTube channel and more right now.

With stories hitting the headlines every day it’s more important than ever to know what your child is doing on their smartphone.

Today, children are online from as young as three years old, with the average age of a child receiving their first smartphone being just 10.3!

According to statistics, a quarter of children have pretended to be older in order to get an account online, while it’s also claimed that almost a third of parents allow their kids to use the internet freely without any restrictions.

However, while this all sounds scary, it doesn’t have to be, and children can play care free on their smartphones and online with your own supervision.

The infographic below highlights the steps and measures you should take to ensure your child is safe playing on their smartphone…



Please click here to view a larger version
How to Protect your Children on their Smartphones at Fix Apple Now

Introduce Your Baby to Peanuts Early with Aralyte

As a parent, we tend to overthink and worry about everything when it comes to caring for our children. I’ll admit, there are things that were a breeze for me with my first child that weren’t with my fifth, and they all caused me stress over different things. 

One thing I always worry about, with all of my children, is there health. Thankfully, we have been lucky in that none of our children have any serious medical conditions nor do they suffer from any allergies.

Over the years, I have noticed that they kids seem to have more and more friends with peanut allergies and I often think, how great would it be if their was a way to decrease the chances of developing a peanut allergy?

15,000 children across the country are rushed to the emergency room each year due to peanut allergies. With nearly 6 million cases of food allergy among children under the age of 18, peanut is the leading cause of anaphylaxis and food allergy-related death.

While recent groundbreaking research has shown that early exposure to peanuts can reduce an infant’s risk of peanut allergy development by as much as 98%, parents are often afraid to try early introduction due to concerns about safety and convenience.

Introducing Aralyte

Aralyte is a safe, structured and data-driven approach to early introduction. As the only doctor-recommended liquid formulation for early peanut introduction on the market, Aralyte is safe for allergic homes and can be administered orally whenever it’s most convenient for families.

Already, leading pediatric physicians and allergists over 200 clinics have chosen to begin using Aralyte as part of their daily practice.

As I mentioned, we have been fortunate to not have a child that has a peanut allergy however I have a friend who is highly allergic that plans on using Aralyte to hopefully prevent their child from developing one too.

Aralyte closely follows the protocol used in the LEAP Study, which showed that early oral introduction of peanuts could prevent allergy development in high-risk infants.

Save 15%

You can save 15% off your purchase of Aralyte when you use the coupon code below. The coupon code is valued at 15% off the cost of the first 3 months, or two weeks, of the Aralyte regimen.

Coupon Code: Aralyte x Megalomaniac