All posts by Anne Younger

Anne is a 30-something full-time SAHM mom of 5 ranging from 3 to 17 and grandma of 1 who resides in Ashwaubenon (Green Bay) Wisconsin. She started blogging in 2008 as a way to regain her sanity. She enjoys coffee, chocolate, cheeseburgers and vodka along with spending time with her husband and kids.

Little Miss Bean: A Birth Story – Part 1

Now that I finally have the time, I thought now was the best time to share Ellie’s birth story.

On the morning of December 15th, which also happened to be my birthday, I began experiencing contractions that were finally coming at regular intervals.  This began right around 5am so I decided to finally keep track of them.  When the Alex walked in the door shortly after 6am I informed him that the contractions I had been having most of the week had now progressed and were now  establishing a pattern.  Together we decided to wait things out and see if there was any change as we waited to get the kids off to school.  Neither of us said a word to the kids that morning and just sent them on their way.  Once the Alex returned from dropping them off we decided to call my doctor’s office and let them know what was going on and see what their thought’s were given the fact that I had only gone into labor naturally once before and my history of laboring rapidly.  Based on what I was currently experiencing and my history it was decided that I should head to the hospital and have things checked out.

When we arrived at the hospital we were brought into a room so I could be evaluated.  After checking my cervix, we learned that I was dilated 3cm and 60% effaced.  I was surprised to say the least.  Here I was, on my birthday, laying in a bed at the hospital and possibly having a baby.

The thought was CRAZY!

What was even crazier was that Ellie wasn’t expected to arrive until January 12th.

After checking everything out, I was hooked up to the monitors to measure my contractions and check on baby.  We also learned at this time that baby had finally flipped and was no longer breech.  This was such great news to receive on my birthday as I had been terrified for months that I would have to undergo my first c-section.  Needless to say I was beyond excited!

I laid in the bed contracting for the next hour waiting to be checked to see if I had made any progress so we could determine if I was actually in labor.  An hour and a half since I was first checked, the nurse came in to check my cervix again and there was no change.  After talking with the doctor on call from my OB-GYN office I was told I could stay at the hospital and wait things out and see if I made any progress or I could go home and see what happens.  I opted to go home.  It was my birthday after all!

We stopped for lunch on the way home, got to the house and the Alex, Alexander and I all laid down to take a nap.  Later that evening my mom came and took Zack and Libby home with her and Alexander went off to my in-laws house and I opted to stay home alone for the night while the hubs was at work.  I figured this was in my best interest because I really needed the rest and had A LOT to do the next morning.

The next morning Alex returned from work to check on me and then we went over to my parents house to bring Zack and Libby to school.  Once we brought them to school we made our way over to my in-laws house to scoop Alexander before heading to the store to finish up not just our Christmas shopping but our baby shopping too.  Up until this point we didn’t even have a car seat for Ellie!

Once we completed all of our shopping we made our way home and I wrapped gifts continuously until it was all done, washed all of the new baby clothing and other baby items we had purchased.  After I had finished everything we decided to head to Red Robin for lunch since I didn’t get to do anything special for my birthday and was craving a patty melt like crazy.

Throughout everything since I had left the hospital the day before I continued to feel the contractions but it had got to the point where I pretty much learned to ignore them.

After lunch we made our way to the school to pick Zack and Libby up and headed home so I could get ready to head to the doctor’s office for my 36 week check.

We arrived at the doctor’s office and I was extremely uncomfortable.  I was still contracting, my lower back was killing me and I was exhausted!!  Also by this time I had experienced the bloody show and was 100% certain that I had lost my mucus plug.  I met with the nurse practitioner and explained everything to her that had happened in the last 24+ hours. she checked my cervix and informed me there was still no change from the day before.  Once she completed my check she talked with the doctor on staff that day and they thought that I possibly had an bladder infection that was causing me to contract and causing the back pain so they had me pee in a cup before sending me on my way.

Right before I left the office, the nurse practitioner asked me if I felt like I was in actual labor.  I informed her that yes, I did feel like it.  Everything felt exactly the same as it did when I had gone into labor naturally with the Libby.  After our chat I stopped at the desk to schedule my next appointment and told the girls I wasn’t going to make it until then and that I was definitely having a baby before the weekend ended and then, we ventured home.

*Watch for part 2 on Wednesday!






Making Chores Fun

I know what you’re thinking… can the title of this post possibly happen?
Chores and fun in the same phrase….not possible.
Ahhh my friends, that is where you are wrong.
Chores can be fun!
Not only can they be fun but they can be rewarding too and not just for you or your partner but your kids too!
In our house we are all for having the kids help out around the house and think it is very important that everyone pitch in where they can.
Right now, everyone includes both myself and the Alex along with Zack, Libby and even the 3.5 year old Alexander. At this time the only individual exempt from chores is Ellie. Her main chore is to just sit there and be cute!
I was recently introduced to GoalForIt which allows you to create a unique chore chart for your child.
GoalForIt lets you create a personalized chart that is not only fun but is a great learning tool for your child and teaches them responsibility.
I started a chore chart for our 3.5 year old Alexander to help him get back into a daily routine since the birth of Little Miss Ellie. For each chore that Alexander completes each day he receives 1 Moolah and when he reaches 500 Moolah he gets to go shopping for a new Power Ranger!
Here is what his chore chart looks like.

There is a variety of designs and stickers to choose from to personalize your chart and different tasks to choose from and the option to create your own. You also get to choose what days certain tasks are to be done and how much moolah each chore is worth. So far we have only completed Alexander’s chore chart but will be sitting down with Zack and the Libby over the weekend. The Libby has a big responsibility now….she became a pet owner over the holiday but that’s a whole other post!

GoalForIt can also be used for goal setting, behavior charts and even to create to do lists!

Disclaimer: I was compensated for this post on behalf of MomSelect in exchange for my complete and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Extending the olive branch

It’s been over 3 years since we last spoke.
I have reached out to you on more than one occasion and have done my part to extend the olive branch as a way to reconcile.
I know that in light of a recent message I sent you on Facebook you have discovered my blog.
I am hoping that you will stop by again and see this message.
3 years is a long time to not speak to one another.
This is the longest a feud of ours has lasted.
There is so much that has happened in the last 3 years that I wish I could have shared with you.
A new year is fast approaching and I am hoping that in this new year we can fix things between us.
This is me extending the olive branch once again.
I hope to hear from you.

Entertaining on a budget with ALDI Supermarket

We all know that entertaining during the holidays can get rather expensive. As a family of 6, we are always trying to save money wherever we can but we still want to be able to provide our friends and family with great food, drinks and fun when visiting over the holidays. This year when planning for our holiday festivities, we turned to ALDI Supermarket to supply us with all that we needed.

A lot of people are not aware of the wide selection of foods and wines that ALDI Supermarket has to offer or of the great prices they sell for.

For under $50, we were able to provide our guests with a meal consisting of chicken parmigiana, spaghetti, and garlic bread, in addition to appetizers consisting of an assortment of crackers, baked brie cheese, feta cheese dip. Not only did we serve all of this food, we also picked up a couple bottles of wine and dessert as well.


All that for under $50.

One of the biggest expenses when entertaining can often times become what you are serving your guests to drink. ALDI Supermarket offers wine that tastes great, has a wide selection and is available at an affordable cost. We served the Landshut Riesling and Winking Owl Chardonnay. I was pleasantly surprised with just how good both wines were in addition to our delicious food.

With one holiday now behind us and another fast approaching at the end of this week, we are looking forward to making another trip to ALDI Supermarket to pick up a few items to entertain the family for our New Year’s Eve celebration.

What do you do to curb costs when entertaining for the holidays?

Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of ALDI and received a gift certificate to facilitate my review.

My Baby Bean

As I mentioned a few days ago, my little Baby Ellie has arrived.  Right now we are still at the hospital.  I have been discharged and am taking advantage of the hospitals Bed & Breakfast program so I can continue to stay at the hospital with her until she is ready to go home.  Since Ellie was born at 36 weeks gestation, she is considered a late term preemie and she has been facing a few hurdles.  A few hours after birth she did experience a few issues with breathing but she quickly jumped that hurdle.  She has also been struggling to maintain her body temperature, eat and gain weight and has been a little jaundiced.

While we continue to do everything we can to get her to where she needs to be and work towards our goal of going home, I wanted to take a moment and share some pictures with you.


Monitoring her breathing shortly after birth
Daddy loving her up
Totally in love after meeting his baby sister.
Happy she FINALLY has a baby sister
The oldest and youngest and proud to be her biggest brother
Checking out her new surroundings