Are you embarrassed about the smell that you emit while farting? This process may be normal, but making it a habit may cause discomfort especially in front of others. Everybody releases gases at some point. Even if some people fart more than others, what should alarm you is when your farts come with a smell that is irritating.
While an odorless fart shows that you are healthy, smells symbolize an unsettled digestive system. We often release gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane. Emission of sulfur is what makes farts smell. Allow us to share some critical insights on how to stop farting.
Watch how you eat
How you take in food determines how much air you swallow. If you are a fast eater, you are likely to swallow more air than a person who takes their time with food. Trying to multitasking during meals such as walking as well as driving can make you ingest more air which translates to more farts. Reduce the pace that you use while eating and avoid feeding as you move. It does not take hours to feed right? Take your time and stop rushing.
Avoid chewing gum balls
People tend to reduce their nervousness by chewing gum. Even though this is effective in calming you down, it makes you swallow more air than you should. Most ball gums have lots of sugar which make one keep on farting. For people who like fresh breaths, consider using mints that contain fewer sugars to prevent you from farting. You can also substitute your gum with mouthwash that keeps bad breath at bay.
Observe the types of food that you eat
Lots of gas comes from the food that you consume. Taking less foods that produce more gas is how to stop farting. Let us look at each category of foods so that you can have a better understanding.
Complex sugars
Though vegetables like broccoli may have numerous benefits to your body, they contain excess sulfur which makes your fart smell. Beans tend to make most people feel bloated since they increase gas in your stomach. Take cabbage and cauliflower in moderation to prevent the emission of hydrogen sulfide.
Most fruits help us fight diseases but increase gas in the stomach. They also increase sugar levels in your body which causes a strain in bacteria to break down the sugar. Using fewer onions as well as artichokes can help reduce the frequency of farts. Stop taking fruits after meals since they can make you bloat.
Soft drinks such as carbonated sodas add gas directly to your intestines as you swallow more air from them. People who take lots of beer tend to fart a lot because such drinks contain lots of glycemic carbohydrates which are not healthy for one’s digestion.
Reducing daily consumption of your favorite ice cream can help you stop emitting excess gas. Cheese, milk, and yogurt also produce gas. Some people are intolerant of lactose which causes fermentation of in their gut. This makes gases build up in the stomach causing smelly farts.
Cut down on foods that contain wheat since these are not easy for your digestive system to break down. Potatoes and pasta also increase gas in your stomach.
Test which foods affect you more than others
We are all different in how we react to certain foods. For instance, not all people bloat from beans. Knowing what affects you will help you understand what to avoid. Being intolerant of particular foods causes cases of diarrhea, nausea as well as constipation.
Practice an elimination diet to help you cut down on foods that affect your stomach as you add the most comfortable foods in your diet. Record down on the symptoms of feeding on specific foods to assess what your body does not react to. This technique is how to stop farting.
Use enzyme supplements
Different enzyme supplements work better on certain foods than others. If you have a problem with beans, buy beano supplement to help you reduce the carbohydrates in your small intestines. It is locally available from your local chemist. The bacteria that produce gas in your large intestines does not have access to the complex carbohydrates as they are already broken down into your small intestines. Get Lactaid enzyme supplement if you fart regularly from consumption of cheese and milk.
Take care of constipation
If you spend hours in the toilet struggling with poop, this indicates that excess poop is still in your colon. It contains excess bacteria which increases fermentation that leads to the emission of unpleasant gases. Reduce such cases by taking lots of water to allow the poop to flow effortlessly from your digestive system. Fiber from fruits and supplements can also help you deduce constipation and in turn, reduce farting. Supplements such as Colace soften your poop so that you don’t have to strain during the process.
Avoid eating and sitting idle for hours in one position. Walk around to help your body digest your meals easily. Regular workouts can help you reduce farting as you increase your metabolism to prevent accumulation of food at the wrong places.
Use probiotics
For people who are having problems reducing this habit, probiotics can help you out. These supplements contain healthy bacteria to work hand in hand with the bacteria in your body to break down food. They also take care of regular stomach upsets that cause pain and discomfort.
Avoid cigarettes
Cigars are not only unhealthy for your respiratory system, but also your digestive track. When you smoke, you inhale more air than a non-smoker. This accumulates in your stomach as well as your esophagus. It makes your intestines bloat and causes excess farting.
Final thoughts
Though farting is healthy, it should not feel uncomfortable. The tips we have discussed are how to stop farting so that you don’t have to keep on excusing yourself to release some unpleasant gases. Combine natural solutions and healthy supplements to make your farts odorless and prevent severe stomach complications.