sleeping child

6 Important Ways to Keep Your Children Healthy

This post is in partnership with Nalturnal and The Megalomaniac Mommy blog.

Being a parent is the most difficult and the most rewarding job you will ever have. A very significant part of your job is to do everything you can to keep your children healthy and happy.

Although there is nothing you can do to prevent them from ever getting sick, you can take steps to minimize the number of times and the severity of any illnesses. Remember, when visiting any health care professional, be sure you maintain copies of any medical records for your own reference. You can request a copy of the doctors notes during the visit or record them on your mobile device.

Make Sure They Get Enough Sleep

  • As an adult, you know how important it is to get enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep can cause children to gain weight
  • The growth hormone is primarily secreted when your children sleep
  • Cytokines (proteins) that the body uses to fight stress, infection, and illness are produced during sleep
  • Increases attention span
  • Children need sleep as much as you do for the following reasons:  They will have brain fog, become agitated easily, and have trouble making decisions if they don’t have enough.

Protect Their Skin

Playing outside or in the water during the warm summer months is fun for your children. Long-term skin damage, early aging of the skin, and cancer are the results of too much exposure to the sun.

As a parent, you must be sure to apply and re-apply sunscreen and dress them in sun-protective clothing.

Keep in mind that your children aren’t only exposed to the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays when they are on vacation or at a beach or a pool. Whenever they are outdoors and the sun is out, they can get a sun-burn. Protect their skin whenever and wherever they are exposed to the sun.

Healthy Teeth Make Healthy Children

Taking care of your children’s teeth will keep them healthier. Many medical problems are caused by poor oral hygiene. It’s better to take your child to the dentist early, usually when they get their first tooth, to keep their mouths healthier throughout their lives.

Even though baby teeth fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth, they are important. Not only do they help your child chew and speak, baby teeth hold space in the jaw for the adult teeth.

If you child’s baby tooth gets a cavity, be sure to see a dentist for a filling. “Filling baby teeth will prevent the cavity from growing larger and leading to more severe problems and infections“.

Minimize the Amount of Sugar They Consume

It isn’t easy, but you should do your best to limit how much sugar your children eat. Too much sugar can cause health problems, weaken immune systems, and alter the balance between bad and good bacteria in the body.

You can help your children develop healthy eating habits. It isn’t reasonable or even smart to try to eliminate all sweets from your child’s diet. If you have ever tried to lose weight, you will understand why forbidding yourself from ever eating something that tastes really good, makes you want it even more.

Everything in moderation is a good rule to follow especially when dealing with high-sugar foods and treats. Below are some reasons that may help you decide to limit your children’s consumption of sugar:

  • Causes energy dips and mood swings
  • Doesn’t provide the nourishment the body need
  • Makes you fat
  • Spikes blood sugar levels and causes cravings
  • Ruins your teeth by causing cavities
  • High-glycemic starches and processed sugars cause inflammation
  • You are eating sugar even though you might not realize There are many names on food labels that are sugar such as corn sweetener, corn syrup, and fructose

Encourage Exercise

Exercise and physical activity are important for both children and adults. Some of the reasons for getting enough exercise are:

  • Alleviates stress
  • Creates positive emotions
  • Essential for muscle and bone health
  • Prevents diseases later in life

Your children should get a minimum of one hour of exercise every day.

Regular Annual Physicals

Take your children to the doctor once a year for a basic check-up. Find a pediatrician that you trust and with whom you have a good rapport.

During these visits, the doctor will track your child’s height and weight and give them vaccinations for protection against serious illnesses like polio and pertussis.

Use this opportunity to ask your doctor any questions you have about your child’s emotional, physical, or mental development.

While there is no way to protect your children from ever getting sick, there are steps you can take to keep them as healthy as possible.



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