Do you get a lot of urinary tract infections? If so, you might be wondering whether there is anything simple you can change in your everyday life to prevent them in the future.
The answer to that question is “yes!” In fact, there are some very simple steps which can significantly improve your urinary tract health, and you can start doing all of them today.
1. Drink lots of water.
According to the Harvard Health Publishing at the Harvard Medical School, you should, “Drink plenty of fluids to help flush out bacteria in the urinary tract. Drink enough each day so that your urine is almost clear in color.”
So, that is one of the simplest changes you can make to your everyday lifestyle for better urinary tract health. Just drink more water throughout the day, and bacteria will be less likely to stick in your urinary tract.
If you are someone who has a chronic habit of not drinking enough fluids, it may seem like a lot at first. But as you form a new habit, you will get used to it.
2. Try Hibiscus and D-Mannose
Research shows that hibiscus and D-Mannose are two 100% natural supplements which can support urinary health.
You probably are familiar with hibiscus flowers, and may even have tried a food or beverage which included hibiscus flavoring.
As for D-Mannose, you may not be as familiar with that, but it is a naturally-occurring sugar.
If you want to get more hibiscus and D-Mannose, foods and beverages aren’t the most efficient way.
Instead, you should consider taking a supplement like the highly-rated HARMONY D-Mannose UTI Supplement by Eu Natural to get them in a concentrated form.

This supplement doesn’t contain any artificial additives, binders or fillers, just the wholesome, healthy ingredients your bladder needs.
3. Adjust your diet.
There are a number of foods you might want to consider adding to your regular diet to improve bladder health.
Some of these include cranberries, blueberries, citruses, carrots, garlic and green tea. You can also add a probiotic to the mix.
With both the supplement and the dietary changes, you will achieve the best results if you stick with it over the long term.
4. Follow healthy habits in the bathroom.
There are a couple of habits on the toilet which can help improve urinary health. The first is to make sure you have fully emptied your bladder before you get up.
The second is just to make sure you wipe in the right direction, which is from front to back and never from back to front.
Both of these habits will help you to get rid of unwanted bacteria and avoid introducing new bacteria to the urethra.
5. Air things out.
Infections love moist environments, but they have a harder time thriving when there is open airflow.
So, if you are wearing tight underwear, pantyhose or tights, you are giving bacteria and fungi a moist, enclosed environment in which to thrive, which can lead to infections and also slow the process of clearing them up.
But if you switch to wearing loose cotton garments, or even avoid wearing underwear for a time, you air out that environment, making it less hospitable to bacteria and fungi.
Small Lifestyle Changes Can Make a Big Difference for Bladder Health
It isn’t fun being prone to urinary tract infections, and if you get them often, you may feel helpless against them.
But you aren’t. And now you know a few simple adjustments which you can make to your lifestyle which can help. Try taking D-Mannose and Hibiscus, eating nutritious foods and probiotics, switching to looser underwear and away from tights, and following best practices while using the toilet. If you maintain these healthy new habits over the long term, you may be surprised by what a difference they make.