4 Effective Ways To Maintaining Healthy Teeth

Maintaining healthy teeth and gums often require extra effort than most of us care to give. Proper maintenance of healthy teeth and gums go beyond the regular twice a day brushing routine most of us do. For anyone looking to have functional and healthy teeth throughout their lifetime, they must be committed to giving oral hygiene and dental care the necessary attention. Below, we have listed a few tips on effective and easy ways of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. 

Make proper oral hygiene a habit from an early childhood stage.
Creating and instilling the daily habit of brushing twice and flossing everyday in your young child could go a long way into helping them maintain the habit even during their adult life. Dental care for your young one should commence as early as the child starts teething and the first tooth pops out. You could apply a small soft brush or a damp cloth to clean your child’s teeth. As they grow, it is advisable to supervise them during the first 2 to 5 years, usually giving them directives on how they should go about it. This early training could go a long way in helping them maintain healthy dental lifestyles later on. Make sure to also take them to a reputable dentist Gold Coast residents visit for regular dental checks.

Brushing twice a day and flossing daily
Often sounding cliche, it is known as one the most efficient way of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Daily oral care helps prevent many dental problems that may occur due to teeth neglected. These problems include decayed teeth, bad breath, bleeding gums and even critical issues like oral cancer. To achieve maximum dental hygiene, you should first make sure you invest in a quality toothbrush. Make a point of changing your toothbrush at least twice in three months because toothbrush wears out quickly even when it’s of high quality. Also investing in the right toothpaste is critical as some toothpaste may cause more damage than good. Therefore, knowing the right toothpaste for your teeth and gums may save you unnecessary dental costs while treating a problem brought about by using the wrong toothpaste.

While flossing might be ignored by most people, it is of equal necessity if you are aiming for healthy teeth and gums. Flossing is most useful as it removes food debris and plaque where the toothbrush is unable to reach. Efficiently flossing your teeth cleans the small gaps that usually a toothbrush cannot get on.

Maintaining a healthy diet and drinking water
It does not take much to maintain a healthy diet other than the choice to do so. Eating healthy food, mainly of fruits, vegetables and meat help in the provision of nutrients required for healthy and strong teeth. These nutrients include calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D and Magnesium. Daily dairy intake also helps strengthen the teeth. More often than not, dentists advise people to avoid a lot of sugar intake as it one of the most harmful things for the teeth and gums. Drinking a lot of water helps wash away the food bacteria left in the mouth and also neutralize the pH level that weakens the teeth.

Avoid or quit smoking.
Most dentists would advise their patients to maintain the above healthy habits and also avoid and quit smoking for the patients who smoke. The tar in the cigarettes causes the teeth to turn yellowish and also gives one lousy breath. Smoking also has adverse effects on your health as it affects the production of saliva and can cause throat and lung cancer. Therefore, avoiding cigarette intake leads to better dental care and general health.]

A healthy smile will boost your self-esteem as you can comfortably interact with people without worrying about bad breath or discoloured teeth.


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