Tag Archives: Temporary Driving Permit

Temporary Permit

On Tuesday, August 12th 2014, our little Zack turned 15 1/2.  

For Zack, this was a huge day.

For 3 weeks this summer, Zack attended a driver’s education course at the high school and passed his temporary driver’s permit test. Although he passed, it didn’t mean anything until August 12th.

So, on the morning of August 12th, Zack and I made our way to the Department of Motor Vehicles and this happened.

Zack Temporary Permit

Yes, my ‘little boy’ got his temporary permit to drive.

After we left the DMV we stopped at the empty lot where our local KMart used to be and I let him drive around the lot and then drive me home.

This was the first time I ever let him drive me anywhere and well, he did pretty good.  I have no doubt come his 16th birthday he will be a pro and will pass his road test without a problem!

So, if you’re in town…..lookout!