Tag Archives: Outdoor Fun

8 Things to Do Outdoors With Kids This Summer

Can you believe that summer is right around the corner? I am trying to figure out where the time has gone and how it is possible that my kids are almost done with school.

It’s crazy.

Now that we are planning for summer and what to do with all of the crazy kiddos of ours, I thought I would put together a fun list of ideas and things to do.

Here are 8 fun things you can do outside with your kids this summer!

1. Put together a fun water wall like this one that Dirt & Boogers put together.

Photo from Dirt & Boogers

2. Water slides are a lot of fun but imagine how awesome a Shaving Cream Slip and Slide is!

3. Have some fun with the kids while getting the cars all cleaned with some fun car wash ideas.

4. Make your own bubbles with this great bubble recipe.

5. Have a Pirate Treasure Hunt Pirate Party!

6. Instead of a game of hide and go seek, go on a Snipe hunt.

7. Turn your backyard into a sprinkler water park.

8. Create rainbow bubble snakes.

Photo from Housing A Forest

These items are all on our outdoor summer to-do list and we can’t wait to try them all out.

What are you going to do this summer?