Tag Archives: Notsponsored

My Personal Addiction

It started back in 2006.  

At first, it was just something to do occasionally. You know, for a little added fun on the weekend.  I would go online, make my selection and wait for it to be delivered to my mailbox.

It started with just one at a time, about every two weeks.  From there it became two, than three and then….it became a weekly habit.  

I would spend my time scrolling through the list online, decided what I wanted and then wait for it to arrive.

Then I would indulge myself.

My addiction has not improved over the last 8 years and it has become so much easier to feed.

When I was given the option to have 24/7 access with no need to wait for the mail.

Things got really bad.

And expensive.

My addiction to Netflix is a real problem.

I find a series and I binge watch and make my way to the next.

I watch movie after movie after movie.

I’ve upped my internet and my Netflix account so we can stream to 4 devices at a time.

Things aren’t getting better and I only see it getting worse.  

First, Netflix sucked me in with series such as Toddlers & Tiaras, GREEK, Orange Is The New Black and then…..Netflix made the announcement that ALL 7 SEASONS OF GILMORE GIRLS would be available on Netflix on October 1st.



Thank you @Netflix #gilmoregirls

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Now, Gilmore Girls is one of the things in life that I love more than chocolate.  So, for the last 18 days….I’ve been watching Lorelai and Rory every chance I get.

As of today, I’m more than half way through season 6.

Once I’m done with the series, I can guarantee that I will start back over from the beginning and this cycle with continue until at least January.

In January, every single episode of Friends will be made available on Netflix and then I will be binge watching that and return to Gilmore Girls after.

The problem is that I’m not the only one who is addicted. My children are addicts too.  

Alexander (age 6) binges on Power Rangers and has even created his own subaccount within my account.

Netflix Accounts #netflix

Ellie (age 2) knows how to access Netflix Kids on my iPad and watches Strawberry Shortcake, Daniel Tiger and all of her other favorites whenever she can get her hands on the iPad.

Zack (age 15) and Libby (age 14) both watch shows constantly using their phones, tablets, computers and even the PS3.

And, let’s face it…Joey (age 1) will be watching his favorite programs before we know it.  He already knows how to unlock my iPhone and how to talk to Siri on the iPhone and iPad and enjoys the occasional cartoon when we snuggle at night.


Of all of our monthly expenses, Netflix is the one that I don’t mind paying because it gets A LOT of use.  I logged into my account to check viewing activity and went all the way back to September 1st and between now and then, the only day Netflix was not used was September 2nd, the 1st day of school.

I wish there was a way to see how many hours are watched with a bring down by day and month.  It would show how badly we are addicted.

Thank you Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings for bringing Netflix to life.