Tag Archives: Girlmore Girls

Gilmore Girls-esque Getaway

Since I first fell in love with Gilmore Girls many, many years ago, I’ve wanted to run away to a quaint little inn or B&B, visit little towns and meet new people.  

Dragonfly Inn Gilmore Girls

Someday, when we have the money, the kids are grown and we have more free time, I hope Alex and I are able to get out of here and explore the country and make this dream of mine become a reality.  

Until that time arrives, I will continue to research and explore and plan our trip in my computer.

So far my goal is to visit Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire.  I want to stay in nothing but B&B’s and Inns and only in small, touristy towns.  Of course, since Fall is my favorite season, this is also the time I want to visit so I can experience fall in a variety of locations and see how it differs from ours.  

I want to shop, send postcards, eat at little diners and restaurants and just explore.  When we travel with kids I always have to have a plan in place, when it will finally be just the two of us, we can do what ever we want without any plans.

I really hope that someday, we can make this trip a reality and expierience it all!