Tag Archives: cravings


I have always experienced cravings during each of my pregnancies.
Throughout all of them, I have craved grilled cheese, fries and ranch dressing…..preferably from Denny’s
With Alexander I craved pickles. A LOT.
But never pickles with any things so there were no strange food combinations.
Just dill sandwich pickles straight from the jar.
So far in this pregnancy, I crave soup.
French onion soup to be exact.
In mass quantities.
We have become regulars at Applebee’s for their soup and salad lunch special just so I can eat as much French onion soup as I want for $5.99.
Oh and I am loving black olives.
That happened the first time I was pregnant too.
I eat those straight from the can too.
If I’m already having cravings like this at 6 weeks, what am I going to do for the next 34???