Tag Archives: courtesy flush

Men and The Courtesy Flush

Yes folks, I am going there.
Men and the courtesy flush.
If you are not aware of what the courtesy flush is than I assume you are a man.
Women, we know what a courtesy flush is.
And we utilize it.
For those who are not educated in this task, a courtesy flush is that extra flush you give after doing your business in order to remove any leftovers from the bowl or it can be utilized mid-task as defined by Urban Dictionary below

A flush in the middle of the toilet-sitting process in order to reduce the aroma…usually performed on a “foreign throne” as a courtesy to the owner of said throne… in other words, to be polite and not stink up the host’s crapper too much.

Many of you may ask what has led me to discussing this topic.
I will be honest with you,
it was a recent trip to my parents house in which my mother questioned my father’s abilities to utilize the courtesy flush.
In her own words, she “didn’t need to see that!”

I know I am not a fan of floaters or other remnants being left behind even when they are my own so really, why would I want to see someone elses?

It’s like walking into a public restroom and being ready to vomit because of the smell. Or throwing open the door to a stall only to find leftovers from the previous patron.

For women, we are known for perfecting the courtesy flush as a tool to lessen the embarrassment and to protect the theories that for women, 1. Our shit don’t stink and 2. We don’t poop….ever.

So, why is it so hard for a man to do his business and give us the same courtesy we give him.
In my home, the men have yet to use a courtesy flush but are currently in the process of being schooled on how to use the air freshener when they are done.
Once this task is mastered, I plan on giving a lesson on the courtesy flush.
(Because really, you can only teach a man one thing at a time.)