Tag Archives: College Textbooks

Save $$ on Your College Textbooks

*This is a sponsored post*

A few months ago I made the return to school, online. With going to class online all of my textbooks and other materials come in a digital format however I prefer to have an actual book on hand so I can take it places with me and make sure I get my readings done.

Since I have a large family to care for, I like to spend as little money as possible so I have turned to buying used textbooks and have recently learned about renting them.

CampusBookRentals.com gives students a place to rent textbooks and save up to 90%. They also ship your books free both ways, allow you to highlight in them, and have flexible rental periods.

My Abnormal Psych class starts in just a few days and I love that I can rent the textbook from CampusBookRentals.com for just $14.06 and don’t need to return it until 12/21!  To buy the text brand new would cost me $100 more!

Not only does CampusBookRentals.com allow you to save money, they also give back with every book that is rented thanks to their partnership with Operation Smile, an awesome organization that performs life changing cleft lip surgeries on children whose families could not otherwise afford it.

So, the next time you are in need of a new textbook, consider renting instead!