The Single Mom Guide to Dating (Yes, It Can Happen)

Being a single mom is tough enough without having to navigate the complicated dating world.  After all, you are no longer young, free, and careless about what the future will bring.

No.  You are the person that only a short time ago needed divorce representation.

And now you have children that rely on their mother to take care of their every need, both physically and emotionally, while tending to her own needs as well. 

It’s quite a balancing act you have going on.

However, there might come a time after your divorce that you feel you are ready to start dating again.  Whether it be to simply get out of the house or find the next love of your life, you will know when you are ready.

So, take a look at some of these tips for being a single mom in the dating world so that you can have at least a small handle on what it is you are about to get yourself into.

1. Make Time

After you have decided that yes, you will enter the mix of single adults vying for each other’s attention in the adult world, you need to make sure you set aside enough quality time for yourself to actually date.

Being a single parent does not reward you with a lot of free time.  With no one to help you, dating can seem impossible.  However, you can prioritize what is important in your life and make yourself one of those priorities.

2. Learn Where to Look

Chances are you have been out of the dating scene for some time if you were once married and are now a single mom.  That means you may not know where to look for dates, which can be a problem.

You need to take into consideration that you have kids to protect and not hook up with any guy you meet off the street or online.

Instead, try finding established groups with like-minded people that you can get to know before you go out on an actual date. 

For example, is a great place to do things you are passionate about and meet new people.  And if you meet someone in your group, you already have something in common which is a good start.

3. Always Be Honest

There will be men out there that want nothing to do with single moms.  And regardless of their reasons, or the fact that you are an amazing woman, there are those men.

Make sure you are always upfront about having kids.  You don’t necessarily have to share everything right away.  In fact, it is recommended you wait until things become serious before an introduction to the kids happens (for you sake, his, and the kids’). 

But please, do not start a relationship off with lies about being a single mom.  It will get you nowhere.

4. Take Care When You Tell the Kids

How your kids will react to you dating again will depend on their ages and personalities.  Being a child of divorce brings about its own set of challenges.  Don’t make things worse by be too casual when it comes to you dating, especially if it is becoming serious.

Think about each individual child and approach it as only you know how to

Dating as a single mom is tough.  With so much to balance, and the fear of the unknown, it can be scary.  But it doesn’t have to be if you follow our simple guidelines and take things slow.

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