Oh happy day

Right now, I am as happy as a kid in a candy store, except this is my virtual world so it would be more like an online candy store!
Right before we moved into our new home,  Alex and I had a long talk. For the past 5 years, Alex has worked 3rd shift, Sunday-Thursday nights from 10pm-6am. In those 5 years, we added to more children to the mix which has left me with A LOT of sleepless nights. I have been the sole caretaker of all 4 kids for the last 5 years from 9:30pm to about 3/4pm the following day.
It has been exhausting to say the least.
For 5 years, I have either slept alone or shared the bed with whichever child couldn’t sleep that night or with a baby who just felt the need to nurse around the clock.
Again, I repeat, it has been exhausting.
So, right before the move, we discussed Alex moving to 2nd shift which would mean he works 2pm-10pm. We thought this would work better for all of us because we would both be able to get some sleep and we would get to sleep next to each other, he would have more time to spend with the little ones in prior to going in to work and he would still be able to see the older kids, because lets face it, teenagers rarely go to sleep before 10! We also thought it would be better for our relationship as well because we would be able to spend more time together.
Yes, 2nd shift would mean he wouldn’t be able to attend after school activities and programs and I would be the lone parent attending but he could take PTO or vacation when it came to the really important events the kids would have throughout the year.
Needless to say, after all of the talking and contemplating, he contacted his employer to let them know that he was interested in moving to 2nd shift.
And we’ve been waiting, not so patiently, for an opening to be posted.
Then tonight, when he got to work, he sent me a text….
“They posted second and third shift batchmaker positions!”
Needless to say….I was elated!
He put in his application and gave it to his supervisor.
Now we just have to wait for it to get approved and find out when he will make the move.
5 years of 3rd shift is just too much when you have little kids.
I am looking forward to being the wife of a 2nd shift batchmaker!

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