How To Ensure You’re Being Safe Online

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Although it may not feel like it, a lot of the things you do will usually involve having to use the internet at some point. Whether you’re updating your Facebook status, ordering a new book on Amazon or trying to find out which actor is playing your favourite character in a TV show – you will be using the internet.

If you’re not already, you need to be sure that you’re using the internet in a safe way, avoiding jeopardizing vital information about you and your family. If you’re not careful your cards could be cloned, your house could be burgled or your identity could be stolen, all whilst using the internet.

With that in mind, here are 7 ways to ensure you’re being safe online:

1. Use Passwords That Are Hard To Guess

If you use a password that is easy to guess, the likelihood of you being hacked is much higher than would be if you used something more complicated. Try setting a password that is a combination of letters and numbers that you’ll remember, but no one else will be able to guess.

2. Don’t Store Passwords Anywhere Online, Or Near Your Computer

If you’re the kind of person that needs to write down their passwords in order to remember them, it’s important you store them in a safe place. Do not store them on your phone or on your computer as if it was to be stolen, they’d be able to login to all of your important accounts. If this is the case, they may also be able to access your online banking.

3. Install An Antivirus

Antivirus is a great way to protect your computer and laptop against anything that may be harmful towards it. A virus can often clone all of your important information with every keystroke you make, making it easy for people to hack all of your accounts. With options available for a small price each month, this is definitely something you don’t want to forget.

4. Use ID Verification

If you have a smartphone that uses face or identity verification service, set it up immediately. This will ensure only you can unlock your phone if it was to get lost or worse, stolen.

5. Make Sure You’re Checking A Sites Credibility

Before you purchase anything from a website make sure you’re checking whether or not it is credible. The best way to do this is to check whether or not it has https:// in its URL, rather than just http://. This means the site is secure.

6. Don’t Download Anything Suspicious

If you’re unsure about whether or not something you want to download is safe, don’t download it. Viruses are often carried through digital downloads, so it is better to be safe than sorry.

7. Don’t Overshare On Social Media

A lot of people share absolutely everything on social media without realising that it’s a great way for thieves to gather the information they need to hack into your online accounts. Think about what you’re sharing and whether it can be harmful to you.

Do you worry about being safe online? Let me know if you use any of my tips, or if you have your own, in the comment section below!

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