Family Growing Pains: When it’s Time to Find a Bigger Home

A move to a more spacious place is usually a welcomed problem. Once finances are in order, moms and dads adore the opportunity to make a larger home their very own. Here’s how to identify whether it’s your time to move.

The Kids Sleep Together

Some couples save room and money by having brothers or sisters share a room. It’s especially cute when having twins. It’s even advantageous when an older brother can lend advice to a younger brother or an older sister can show her younger sibling how to maintain long hair. A third sibling, however, makes things crowded. It’s tough to pull off a three-child bedroom unless you want the young occupants to feel cramped and grow weary of one another.

The Infants are Getting Bigger

Infants are demanding but in a different way than children aged two and above. Once your children get older and become able to crawl, walk, run, etc, it’s time to find a larger area. What you thought was a cozy two-bedroom nook can start to look rather confining if you have one or more children aged two and over. Even those with a small basement, yard, or nearby outdoor park feel the need to gain space once the kids get older, bigger, and faster.

The Time to Invest in the Future

Buying a larger home is an investment. A growing family is one that needs a mom and dad to begin to invest in the future. That means thinking far into the future when the kids will want cars, to go to universities and furniture for first apartments. It’s time for making sound investments and smart money decisions versus living out of pocket or relying on immediate income alone. Seek online resources or personal counseling from a bank or financial advisor.

The Nearby Traffic is Growing

Often, couples meet in urban settings flooded with young singles. After some time, the couple moves in together, gets married, and has children, though of course not necessarily quite in that order. It’s a likely story for many but urban settings are not always best for having children. Couples that loved going to bars and clubs 10 years ago now prefer better school systems and a number of parks with swing sets. Also, urban populations grow over time, which means added traffic and danger for little ones. For many couples, an aging child or children often means finding safer suburban or rural settings.

The Best Schools

In some cases, the best schools are public and free but require parents to live in particular area codes. The thought of capitalizing on great school systems is enough for some to move to a new and larger area that has premier elementary, middle, and high schools. Competitive colleges notice top area codes throughout the country. For a talented young person, the right high school is a gateway to getting into the best colleges. Seek government data along with online stats providing the best school systems in the nation.

Your Career Has Taken Stride

Young professionals are faced with huge debt and limited jobs. Those who get great positions, however, hit a stride in their late twenties and early thirties. As long as you didn’t make really poor financial decisions in previous years, you may be in a great position to make a present home purchase. If you find you have more money in the bank, don’t start spending on takeout, designer shoes, or short yet expensive vacations. Move your family to a larger home and make each day a vacation. Contact quality home movers for competitive, state-to-state prices.

The Gang’s All There

You may have friends with kids who are a bit older. As with your current circumstances, your friends chose to move to different area codes that could accommodate a growing family. Not to incite feelings of ‘doing as your friends do,’ but there’s nothing wrong with the thought of living in a larger home surrounded by friends who have children of the same age living just down the road. As long as the move is affordable, it makes sense to want a larger home in an area filled with friendly faces.


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