Educating at Home

As I have mentioned in the past, I like to do whatever I can to encourage my kids to learn. I am constantly on the hunt for new things for them to do and explore. This is probably why our house is overflowing with books, activity sets, craft supplies, electronics and so much more.

There are so many tools available today that educating our kids at home has become pretty easy to do. Since the little ones aren’t old enough to attend school yet, I love to teach them little things here and there to help them get a jumpstart. When it comes to the other 3 kids, all of these extras at home help them in other areas as well.

One of my favorite things to do with the little ones is check out different apps on the iPad. Both Ellie and Joey love to play on the iPad and since Santa was super generous this past Christmas, we have iPads and gift cards to keep us pretty set for a while.

Ellie on the iPad

Ellie creating music and having fun on the iPad.

There are so many apps available in both the App Store and Google Play for free that you can continuously introduce them to something new. Fun apps for preschoolers for us are those that introduce them to music, early math skills and letters.

The kids continue to amaze me with how much they know when it comes to using the iPad. Ellie can navigate it so well and find all of her favorite things to do without any assistance. If she didn’t need a password to install an app, she would be downloading those like crazy as well. 

Alexander loves to use his iPad to play Skylanders, Minecraft, Math Blaster and so many other things including a few programming and coding apps he was introduced to at school.

Technology and my kids continue to amaze me every single day.

Are there apps that your kids really enjoy? What do you do to encourage your children to learn at home?


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