Category Archives: Health

Vegan Chocolate Truffles – Temptation turned Healthy

Healthy eating has become something of an elusive dream in recent years. Just as you think you’ve attained it, a new trend drops in front of you to provide yet another step in what is already a mighty long road.

Vegan food options have become one such fashionable choice. Reduced amounts of saturated fats, a better source of vitamins and nutrients, and supporting a low-Cholesterol diet are just three examples commonly quoted, however, for celiacs, choosing gluten-free products isn’t just a lifestyle choice but a necessity.

Despite this growing movement, surprisingly few people know about vegan chocolate. Of those who do, many dismiss it out of hand with little thought given. But it does exist, it is readily available and, furthermore, it provides a healthy, guilt-free alternative to many people’s favorite temptation.

Gluten-Free Chocolate?

For Vegans, there are problems with regular chocolate on two fronts. Milk is the most obvious but sugar too is a major issue. Because most commercial white sugar is produced using a method which involves animal bones, anyone who is a strict vegan can’t use it.

Without milk and sugar, two of the three main ingredients are missing from chocolate. This also goes some way to explaining why vegan chocolate contains at least half as many calories as the regular version.

There are many more gluten-free options available then you may realize though. Any organic chocolate which does not contain milk or milk fat will be suitable. Furthermore, food advertised as being pareve, a Jewish term for being milk and meat-free, will be 100% guaranteed safe to eat for a celiac.


Does Gluten-Free Chocolate taste good?

There are many recipes commonly used to make these products. Substituting animal milk for a soy, almond, coconut or other alternative milk alternative is one way they can differ, while sugars too are available in a wide range of forms.

As a result, gluten-free chocolate comes with a much wider variety of tastes than regular chocolate brands. Sweetened with anything from, maple syrup, coconut blossom, agave nectar, or dates to name just four, each has their own subtle and unique flavor profile.

There are products such as Pana chocolate which is similar to the taste of milk chocolate. But why waste your time sticking to only one flavor when there are so many to discover and experiment with.

An Expensive Delicacy

The biggest downside to vegan truffles is the price. Buying vegan chocolate truffles will almost certainly cost more than their regular-chocolate truffle equivalent. However, the best way around this is to make your own, something which is not as tricky as you may imagine.

With all of the ingredients and a little refinement in your technique, it will take no more than 15 minutes to make a batch from scratch.

There are many recipes to be found online or you could spend a day in the company of experts to pick up some trade secrets if you’re really serious about wanting to brush up your skills.

After tasting the possibilities for myself, vegan truffles are certainly not something to dismiss without first trying. And when it comes to vegan truffles and calories, more is still most definitely less so what’s not to love? Click here for more intriguing vegan recipes.

Mom’s Guide to a Better Night’s Sleep

Let’s face it, a good night’s sleep is like a gift from the gods above when you are a Mom. It probably started when you had a newborn in the house with frequent nighttime feedings but has progressed to habitual wakings or maybe other reasons like a snoring partner. Whatever the cause, if getting a good night’s sleep seems to be impossible, these tips and tricks will be sure to rope you a better night of sleep and needed rest.

Shut Off that Phone

Many people bring their phone along to bed in hopes that maybe a few online games or Internet surfing might make them drowsy and ready for sleep. However, the opposite is true. According to the American Chemical Society, your smartphone emits a blue light that actually tells your brain to stay alert. Turn off your phone or leave it on the counter instead of bringing it to bed in an attempt to make yourself tired, it isn’t working.

Start a Bedtime Routine

Just as you have a routine for your little one to go to bed, so should you have a plan in place for yourself. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or too involved but it should involve doing roughly the same thing nightly as much as possible. Even though it may take a few nights to see any affect on your nighttime sleep quality, a routine will train your brain that it is now time to shut down and rest. By doing this “training”, you will allow yourself the downtime needing for a better night’s sleep.

Look at Your Diet

It is very possible you could be sabotaging your own sleep quality just by some of the foods you are eating. Caffeine is the biggest culprit in disrupting your sleep and is not just found in coffee. Look for caffeine hidden in other things such as chocolate, tea and soda. Instead, turn to foods rich in tryptophan to help induce that sleepy feeling you need. These foods could include:  dairy, nuts, bananas and seeds.


Although it is not a favorite word for many people, exercise can promote better night’s sleep. As a mom, you may not have a lot of time in your schedule but even just 30 minutes a day could make a difference. You don’t need an expensive gym membership either, a simple walk around the block will get your heart pumping and your body moving. Not only does this help physically but it gives time to clear your head.

A good night’s sleep won’t cost you anything but it is worth million dollars to sleep deprived Mom’s. With a busy schedule, it may seem impossible to get in enough quality sleep to actually feel rested. Following some of these tips mentioned will give you results in a short time and you will find yourself able to stay awake throughout the day unlike before. This will help improve your mood and productivity too; a winning situation for yourself and everyone around you!

The Surprising Aspects of Parkinson’s Disease

This is a sponsored post in partnership with The Motherhood.

For years, I didn’t know much about Parkinson’s Disease aside from what I saw on medical TV dramas. I knew it was a disease that Michael J. Fox  had been diagnosed with and therefore the story line for the characters he now portrayed on television were written to share his story of having Parkinson’s Disease. I had also seen the disease represented on a few of my favorite medical dramas as well. Other than that, I had zero other knowledge about Parkinson’s Disease.

In my life, I am not directly connected to a person with Parkinson’s Disease, however my sister and my brother-in-law are, as his father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease about 15 years ago and I have heard the effects this disease has had on him and their entire family. As of right now, his wife is his main care partner, but my brother-in-law and his siblings fill in whenever they are needed too.

To help bring more awareness to Parkinson’s Disease, my sister and her family have organized a mini family triathlon at their cottage that everyone competes in over the summer. For their mini triathlon, everyone pays an entry fee and that is then donated to Parkinson’s research.

2016 Mini Triathlon

2017 Mini Triathlon

From what I have learned of Parkinson’s Disease, I was aware of some symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease, like resting tremors and loss of balance. What I didn’t know is that more than half of people living with Parkinson’s, will experience a lesser known aspect of the disease—hallucinations and delusions, over the course of their disease.  These hallucinations can cause people to see, hear, or experience things that aren’t
real while these delusions often have paranoid themes.

Reporting Symptoms

People often don’t share all of their symptoms with their Parkinson’s specialist, which can make them a challenge to diagnose. Many times, the reason behind this is that people with Parkinson’s or their care partners are embarrassed by reporting hallucinations or delusions or they do not realize they are part of the disease.

Thankfully, at this time, my brother-in-law’s father isn’t reporting or displaying any of these symptoms.

Educate Yourself

If you or someone you care for is experiencing these symptoms, you are not alone, and you may be able to get help. Talk to a Parkinson’s specialist to learn more about available treatment options, such as an FDA-approved medication indicated for the treatment of hallucinations and delusions associated with Parkinson’s disease. Learn more about hallucinations and delusions associated with Parkinson’s at

What are my Options to Reduce Sinusitis?

Sinusitis or an infection of the sinus is a condition that results in the inflammation of the air cavities in the nose. The condition may be caused by an allergy or irritation of the airways in the nasal cavity. Some symptoms of the problem include headaches, tenderness in the facial tissues, pain in the sinuses, stuffiness in the nose, fever, sore throat, and swelling in the face.

The condition does not always call for surgery. In fact, you will have to visit your doctor first for diagnosis and treatment. If the medications don’t work after three months, the doctor may diagnose it as chronic sinusitis, and you will have to go for a CT scan and may eventually need sinus surgery. Surgery is recommended when you have cancer of the sinus, a fungal infection and a problem that has spread to the bone. Other reasons for sinus surgery include:

  • Polyps in the sinus and nose
  • Structural problems in the nose
  • HIV, in addition to the sinus infection

What Types of Surgery Can You Get for Sinusitis?

  1. Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Endoscopic sinus surgery is an advanced procedure that does not involve any incisions on the face or mouth. It is performed through the nose and makes use of an instrument known as a nasal endoscope. This small telescope is placed in the nostrils so that the surgeon can see the insides of your sinuses. Usually, the endoscope is fitted with a video camera at its end.

The surgeon will then use specialized equipment to eliminate the causes of the blockage. These could be polyps, scar tissues, or other natural blockage elements. The doctor will also straighten the septum and alter the size of the turbinates if necessary.

Advances in technology have made this procedure almost painless. It is also carried out with minimal nasal packing and patients recover in a shorter period. Many people are actually able to go home on the same day.

Before the surgery, your doctor will prescribe certain medications to reduce inflammation. It is important to start taking these drugs at the stated time until you go in for the procedure as they will make the process a lot smoother. The surgeon will also require that you get cleared for the procedure by your primary care doctor. If the doctor deems you healthy enough for surgery, the surgeon will proceed with the procedure.

You will also need to avoid smoking for at least a month before the procedure, and another month after the surgery. This is because smoking will lead to the failure of the surgery and can make it harder to heal.

Endoscopic sinus surgery is the most common solution to chronic sinusitis. However, it is not ideal for people suffering from aggressive fungal infections or tumors of the sinus. These may have to be treated through external surgeries.

What are the Risks of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery?

Although the procedure is significantly advanced, it still has some risks. These include:

Bleeding- Normally, you should expect little bleeding during the surgery. This is never a serious issue as it subsides after some time. In rare cases, patients experience excessive bleeding, and the surgeon will simply terminate the procedure. In case you bleed after the procedure, the surgeon will place nasal packing to stop the bleeding.

  • Infections- In case you develop an infection after the surgery, you will need to take strong antibiotics. Infections are rare since the patient gets antibiotics during the procedure.
  • Blurry vision- Since the sinuses are very close to the eyes, the procedure can cause changes in your vision. Some people even end up with double vision. This may be temporary or permanent.

Some patients will also lose their sense of smell and may experience cerebrospinal leaks.

  1. Balloon sinuplasty

This procedure does not involve the cutting or removal of any bones or tissues. Instead, the surgeon will use small and flexible balloon catheters to unblock the sinuses. These catheters will be inflated in the sinuses so that they expand the passageways and saline will be sprayed to drain the mucus that typically accumulates in patients with chronic sinusitis.

With this procedure, patients will be back to their normal routine within two days. It is possible for some patients to experience longer recovery periods, but this is the average time taken.

What are the Risks of Balloon Sinuplasty?

Here are some risks of this surgery:

  • You might end up losing your sense of smell
  • It might affect the appearance of your nose. This might be because of the swelling.
  • It might affect the connection between the nose and the brain and lead to some leakage of the brain fluid
  • Poor aftercare can lead to the development of an infection
  1. Open sinus surgery

This is a traditional treatment method. Your surgeon will make incisions directly over the sinus so they can open and remove the diseased tissues. This method is highly effective in treating aggressive cases of sinusitis. That being said, the procedure may result in disfigurement and scarring on the cheeks. For these reasons, the procedure is often treated as a final resort. The other less invasive procedures have greatly reduced the instances of traditional sinus surgery.

Open sinus surgery is ideal if the patient suffers from an infection of the facial bone, a brain abscess or if they have a mucocele in the frontal sinus. Risks of this procedure include excessive bleeding, blindness or partial loss of sight, inflammation of the brain membrane, and even death. Recovery takes much longer than with the other two sinus surgery options.


Sinusitis is primarily treated using medications. However, the body may fail to respond to these drugs, and you may be forced to go for a surgery. In such a case, you will have the option of choosing traditional sinus surgery, endoscopic sinus surgery, or balloon sinuplasty. Traditional sinus surgery is the most dangerous as it involves the making of incisions in the facial tissues. The other two options are generally more preferable and involve much less recovery time. For your sinus surgery needs, you can contact Ran Y. Rubinstein, MD of Hudson Valley Sinus Center on 845-562-6673.


What Type of Scarring Does Breast Reduction Result In?

Breast reduction is a surgery that involves incisions on the surface of the skin, so some scarring is typically expected. However, you do not necessarily have to end up with massive scars just because you need a breast reduction. There are several different surgical techniques that result in different types of scars, and the severity of your scars can be affected by your genetics and your care after the surgery. Here’s what you need to know about scars following a breast reduction.

Where Are Breast Reduction Scars Located?

The location of your breast reduction scars will vary depending on what type of surgery you get. You may have anywhere between two to three scars. Some procedures only use a few small incisions to do a vertical breast reduction. This technique is called a “lollipop” surgery because the scars will circle around the areola and then go down vertically to the crease of the breast. It is also referred to as a shorter-scar technique because the incisions are smaller. This type of breast reduction can only be used in cases where the reduction is smaller and the patient does not want lifting. If a patient needs to go down more than a couple cup sizes, their surgeon will most likely suggest an anchor procedure. This involves incisions around the areola, horizontally along the bottom crease of the breast, and vertically between the areola and the breast crease.

What Do Breast Reduction Scars Look Like?

Once you finish the surgery, you can expect some scarring anywhere that an incision was done. In the weeks after your surgery, the incision areas will look reddened and lumpy. They may have an uneven color with patches of purple or darker red. As they heal, the scarring will typically begin to flatten and lighten. Genetics can affect the final look of your breast reduction scars. If you have very pale skin, the scars may appear darker than your skin, but they can look lighter than the surrounding area if you have darker skin. Some people are genetically predisposed to get keloids, which are raised scars that have a slightly thickened appearance, but this is quite rare. Those with thicker and more elastic skin tend to have better outcomes, and scarring is generally lessened when the patient is young and healthy.

How Do Breast Reduction Scars Change Over Time?

Over time, breast reductions cars will typically fade to look like thin, white lines. Within a few years, you may find that the scars are barely noticeable. The scarring around the areola tends to blend in to the areola over time. However, you do need to keep in mind that your scars can actually worsen over time if you do not take care of the area. Tanning, smoking, or irritating the area by scratching and scrubbing can all cause scar tissue to build up and create wider scars. Depending on how your scars heal over time, you may find that they cannot be viewed while clothed or wearing a bikini. However, some people find that the scars can be visible when they are wearing very thin clothing.

What You Can Do to Reduce Scarring

Be sure to follow all post-operative care instructions because any infection could worsen scarring. You will most likely need to wear bandages and a surgical bra in the week after your surgery. Try to keep everything clean and change the bandages as instructed. As the area heals, gently massage it with your fingertips. This can help to reduce the chance of getting a stiff and inflexible scar.

There are a few other things you can do to ensure that your scarring is as slight as possible. Smoking greatly impairs the body’s ability to heal, so you may want to consider stopping smoking if you currently use tobacco products. Drink plenty of water and eat a lot of fresh produce to give your body the nutrients it needs to heal. If you go out in the sun, wear sunscreen because UV rays can penetrate through fabric and darken scar tissue. All of these techniques will help to keep dark scars from forming, and if you are still unhappy with the appearance of your scars, you can get a scar removal procedure like laser therapy or chemical peels.

It is important to select an experienced surgeon because a skilled doctor can provide a better outcome with less scarring. Dr. Joseph W. Rucker Jr. is a board certified plastic surgeon that has been refining his techniques for over 20 years. He completed his training for five years in general surgery and a three-year residency in plastic surgery including a fellowship in breast reconstruction. He has performed more than 10,000 reconstructive and cosmetic surgery procedures. Contact Dr. Rucker to find out how you can get started on your breast reduction journey.