Category Archives: Halloween

Trick or Treat Alternatives

Living in Wisconsin, it could be beautiful weather on Halloween, it could be freezing cold and in some cases, it could be snowing.  Snce the weather is another factor to consider when heading out to trick or treat, I like to have a few backup plans in place to ensure the kiddos have fun!

Check your local churches and school groups for Trunk or Treat events.  Trunk or Treat offers a safe, controlled Trick or Treating experience for everyone involved and you also get to see just how creative people can be!

Another alternative is to check your local mall and see if they offer Trick or Treating, ours has since I was a kid and I always enjoyed it.  You can also check zoo’s for Zoo Boo events, and check your local paper and newstations for other safe Trick or Treating alternatives.

Do you live in an area where you need a backup plan?  Have your kids ever had to wear snow pants and winter jackets under their costumes like mine have?

Share your Trick or Treat and Halloween plans with us in the comments below!