Category Archives: costumes

Shop for Your Next Costume (and more) at

It’s crazy to think that it is October already and that Halloween is right around the corner. My kids have been planning out what they want to be this year over the last month or so and I think they have made some pretty great choices. Ellie decided she would go as her current heroine (other than me), Wonder Woman; Joey went back and forth on between super heroes and landed on Batman; and Alex….well he decided to FINALLY do something that isn’t a Power Ranger or ninja related.

Ladies and gentleman, I give you the cutest Dr. Egon Spengler!

My little Alex has been begging to be a Ghostbuster for Halloween for months so I was on the hunt to find him a costume that would last, because lets face it, I am done making costumes!

Thanks to the folks at we were able to find him the perfect Ghostbusters costume. What I really like about this costume is not only is it of good quality, with the weather we are having here in Wisconsin, it offers enough room for him to wear his cold weather gear underneath the costume to keep him nice and warm while he is out Trick-or-Treating.

When we were looking through the site, I was impressed with the great selection of costumes that TV Store Online has to offer as well as other items like pop culture themed hoodies, baby shirts and rompers, leggings, hats, backpacks and so much more! If you love pop culture themed items (including shirts Sheldon Cooper has worn!!), this is your new one-stop-shop!

If you are in need of a costume for Halloween or a themed costume for an upcoming event, be sure to visit!