All posts by Anne Younger

Anne is a 30-something full-time SAHM mom of 5 ranging from 3 to 17 and grandma of 1 who resides in Ashwaubenon (Green Bay) Wisconsin. She started blogging in 2008 as a way to regain her sanity. She enjoys coffee, chocolate, cheeseburgers and vodka along with spending time with her husband and kids.

What Does a Pest Control Service Do?

Whether you’ve got a roach infestation in the kitchen, a cluster of rodents in the basement, or several pigeons in your attic, pests are menaces. They can completely disrupt your home life and leave you feeling anxious, worried, and frustrated.

No matter what pest has infested your home, acting fast is key to getting rid of them before the issue worsens. Hiring a company that specializes in pest control in Clearwater means your pest problems can be resolved quickly and efficiently.

Pest control services are professionals in eliminating pests of all kinds. Bed bugs, roaches, mosquitos, rodents, and pigeons are no match for the specialized equipment that a pest control company uses.

You might think that you can handle the pest infestation in your home by yourself. While this may be the case for smaller infestations, it’s often better to call in the experts so that you can rest assured knowing every last pest will be gone from your home.

When you hire a pest control company, you will save money, time, and energy. You won’t need to invest in your own pest-killing chemicals (pesticides) and equipment and you won’t need to handle the pests yourself. You and your family can stay safe while the professional pest control service gets the job done.

Pest control companies are licensed and insured to do what they do. Every member of the pest control team is professionally trained on how to use equipment, chemicals, and poisons to eradicate pests.

Many people are hesitant to hire a pest control company because they worry about the process of pest elimination. They are anxious about the disruption to their home life or the nasty chemicals that might be used on their bedsheets.

However, hiring a professional pest control service is one of the best things that you can do to eliminate any type of pest to make your home comfortable once again.

To ease your worries, let’s run through exactly what a pest control service will do if they are called to your home to resolve a pest infestation.

What Does a Pest Control Company Do?

Some pest control companies offer a free consultation to check your home and identify key areas before bringing in their specialized tools.

They will inspect the inside and outside of your home to assess the extent of the infestation and will provide you with a quote for the total costs of the extermination procedure.

When a pest control company arrives for the extermination, they will bring a range of equipment. Depending on the type of pest that has infested your home, this equipment will vary.

They will work with you to identify the key areas to focus on. Together, you will create a plan on how best to eliminate all of the pests in your home.

The pest control team will inform you of everything they are going to do so that you’re happy with their process. They will also run through health and safety protocols so that you know what to do when they leave.

Custody Battles – What You Should Know

Parents love their children dearly and cherish any time they can spend with them. The separation between parents usually occurs because they don’t get along or agree on anything, including different parenting strategies. 

No two cases are alike, but in every custody battle, there is immense emotion: the mother’s, father’s, and the child. Click here to learn more and find information that all litigating parents should benefit from. Take a look at these tips if you’re approaching a custody dispute:

You can’t do it alone

When you’re going through a custody battle, you need to make sure you have the support and help of family and friends – especially if the other parent is abusive. You may have to travel long distances, even across state lines, or even internationally for court appearances, so make sure you have time for your children too!

Don’t forget about yourself! 

It’s easy to think that your child is the center of your world and all of your thoughts, but they aren’t. Make sure that you’re taking care of yourself. If you’re not eating well, getting enough rest, and exercising, your body will be depleted in the long run. This can lead to some very bad decisions on your part and more likely than not could cause you to lose custody of your child.

Don’t forget that another parent is entitled to have his or her own life too! 

Just because you’re the primary caregiver doesn’t mean that you get to be a hermit! Even if you are the primary caregiver, don’t make it all about yourself – if this is the case, then someone else isn’t being taken care of! If one parent wants a lot of time with the children and another doesn’t at all, it’s not fair to the children! If you’re the primary caregiver, be sure that you’re taking care of yourself too.

Don’t forget that your child has needs too! 

Even if you have a child that is only a few months old or even older, they still have needs just like any other child. If you don’t make time for them, they may not get the attention they need. For example, if they don’t get to spend time with their father or mother and other relatives, they may feel like there’s something wrong with them or be sad about it. It’s important to make sure you’re taking care of yourself too so as not to neglect your child and give them the impression that something is wrong with them!

Don’t neglect your marriage

You may have a difficult time getting along with your partner and you don’t want to be too harsh on each other, but you have to be able to set some boundaries! If you can’t do that, then it’s not fair to either of you and it’s not good for your relationship. It can be difficult for a caregiver to put their needs first because they feel like they need to take care of their children and the needs of their spouse at the same time. If this is the case, try making sure that one parent takes care of themselves first, and then the other parent will be able to take care of themselves too!

Seven Simple Ways to Make Your Home More Comfy

Home is one place where we are supposed to get the best comfort. We feel safe and can be ourselves in there without any fears. However, it takes a while for every homeowner to set up their home in the best possible way to make it cozy. When it comes to converting a house into a home, one has to go the extra mile in terms of putting in all efforts.

Overlooking the comfort of the house is one of the biggest mistakes that a lot of people make. It can be hard to adjust yourself and your family in a space that seems alienated. To make sure that hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars invested in the house pay their worth, it’s important to put a little extra time and effort into making it comfortable. Here’s how you can do that:

●       Bring Comfortable Furniture in The House

If you have decided to get rid of the unwanted stuff from the house and bring new furniture, consider all the options available before cementing the final decision. Instead of looking for fancy options, it’s better to focus on comfort. You can make them more appealing simply by adjusting their surroundings. For example, the design of the bedding makes more impact than the design of the bed itself.

Bring comfortable furniture that is trendy and goes well with the theme of your home. You have to be extra choosy when it comes to the bedrooms. Read reviews of the different mattresses and get ones that best suit the needs of children, youngs, and elders in the house.

●       Hang Art

There’s no running away from the fact that hanging art has always had a strong impact on the thought process of humans. Because colors have been proven to have a positive impact on a person’s mood, the combination of artwork will cast its magic spell on anyone’s thought process for sure. Especially if you’ve got murals around, hidden in the boxed, now is the time to take them out and let them do the talking.

Research has shown that even looking at artwork can reduce anxiety and stress. This will eventually plant a smile on your face and make you feel your best. Hanging art is the best therapy for people who are caught up with stress all day long.

●       Keep it Clean

Decluttering the physical environment will have a strong impact on your thought process. After all, a cluttered home will never be pleasant in the eyes. Start with the bigger rooms and chuck out any unwanted stuff. For example, if the old furniture has worn out or one of the rooms has a lot of junk stacked inside, you better take them out.

Cleaning the house will not only help you get rid of stress but will also aid in creating more space for additional furniture. Not to forget, your physical space is not just a reflection of your personality but also emanates the way you live. Ensure to regularly wash the towels and sheets to keep the entire space cleaned.

●       Go Green

Just like animals and art, flowers can change the vibe of the house as well. After all, they have a positive impact on our moods and declutter our minds. Because stress and anxiety are both all over the place, it is hard for many people to avoid these factors. Still, when natural plants are incorporated in the living room, bedroom or any part of the house, one will feel thrilled and excited.

There’s a different sense and attraction in nature, which is enough for anyone to feel great about living in their home. Furthermore, since plants are less fussy and can prove to be a great addition to the aesthetic appeal of anyone’s house, putting them everywhere around the house will be a good idea.

●       Add Extra Lights

Few things can make the house less visually appealing and attractive, insufficient lighting is one of them. So ensure to bring the right light fixtures that add a warm temperature in the surrounding with different shades of yellow or white. Only then should you come up with more lighting that is appropriate. Pretty much every space in the house requires the right lighting fixture.

Especially if you get to install dimmers, you’ll easily control the amount of lighting in your room. Candles too will add the much-needed amount of warmth and coziness to jazz up any space. Ensure to extinguish the flames before exiting the room. Sometimes, flames can easily become the sole cause of fire in the bedroom.

●       Adopt a Pet

What occurs to your mind as a primal thought when you think of feeling loved? If you’re thinking of having a relationship, we recommend you to take one step back and instead, adopt a pet. For, pets love you the most and always support you when you need them. Secondly, if you’ve always wanted to adopt pets, now is the best time to give it a go. Venture out in the market and look around to see what you want.

For example, if you want a cute little pup in the house, you’ll have to know about what it entails to bring him home. Know about requirements and bring one home. No wonder, bringing the little one in your home will change everyone’s moods and you’ll want to smile every day.

●       Bring The Spa Home

If you want to go the extra mile in terms of making your home more cozy and relaxing, draw inspiration from a place that has been engineered to instill positivity and comfort in every breath of yours, the spa. Candles, gentle lighting, aromatherapy, trickling fountains and spa details can also be installed in your home for a quick dose of comfort. Do everything right and see how positivity will shine through your home. Bear in mind, when you bring the spa to your home, you won’t have to struggle with going out and driving through the city to reach out to a destination as such.

How to Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

Sleep is extremely important. When our sleep quality or quantity is lacking, it can begin to affect our physical and mental health.

The practice of having great sleep habits is known as sleep hygiene. Improving your sleep hygiene is vital to your overall health and quality of life. The behaviors that contribute to sleep hygiene don’t just involve the things you do right before bed. They involve every aspect of your day.

From hiring a Denver bed bug heat treatment company to get rid of unwanted pests to creating a nightly relaxation routine, there are lots of great things that you can do to boost your sleep hygiene. It doesn’t need to be complicated and it’s all about finding what works best for you.

Here are some top things to try when you want to improve your sleep hygiene.

Create a Night Time Routine

One of the best ways to maintain a great sleeping practice is to keep a consistent bedtime routine.  When you start your routine each night, your body will recognize that it’s time for bed and will naturally begin to produce more melatonin, the ’sleep hormone’.

Some great things to include in your bedtime routine include:

• Taking a hot shower

• Meditation or meditation journaling

• Performing some gentle stretches

• Listening to some relaxing music

• Reading a paperback book

Things to avoid in your bed time routine include intense exercise, drinking caffeinated beverages, and using artificially lit electronic devices, such as your mobile, laptop, and TV.

Exercise Daily

Although experts recommend that you don’t perform any high-intensity exercise within the last few hours of the day, exercise is essential for good sleep hygiene.

Even just 30 minutes of movement each day can significantly improve your sleep quality. These benefits are amplified if you exercise outdoors where you can expose yourself to lots of sunlight and breathe in the fresh air.

Sunlight helps to regulate your natural sleep-wake cycle by stimulating or suppressing the production of certain hormones in your body.

If you can’t exercise outdoors, indoor exercise can still be effective in helping you to sleep better. Try to work out in the morning or afternoon. Avoid exercising late in the evening as it increases your core body temperature, which can make it more difficult for you to get to sleep.

Find the Perfect Room Temperature

The temperature of your room makes a significant difference to the quality of your sleep. It’s one of the most important factors when it comes to your ability to drift off to sleep.

For most people, a room temperature of around 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal sleep. You may need to adjust your thermostat or invest in a heater or fan for your bedroom to achieve the optimal room temperature.

Your bedroom should also be dark and quiet. Get some opaque curtains and blinds to block any incoming light from the window and avoid using any bright lights just before you go to bed.

If you do need to use light before bed, such as when you’re reading or stretching, use a sunset lamp that emits a soft glow and doesn’t disrupt your melatonin production

4 Luxuries That Every Mom Deserves to Own

As a mom, you work hard every time to provide the best life for your children.

You might spend your evenings cooking for your family and your weekends taking the kids to dance classes or sporting events. This leaves you with very little time to relax and take time for yourself.

It’s all too easy to let your responsibilities take over your life but it’s important to schedule some downtime every week. Regularly scheduling some ‘me’ time can prevent you from getting overwhelmed, stressed, and run down.

Making plans with your partner or friends is a great way to enjoy yourself and take your mind away from your long to-do list but this isn’t always possible when you have a busy schedule. However, setting some time aside to treat yourself is often much more feasible.

Your ‘me’ time might involve a pamper day at home or a long candle-lit bath. Splashing the cash on items that you’ve had your eye on for a while can also be an effective way to spoil yourself as a mom. Let’s call it retail therapy!

When you’re walking around the shops on the high street or you’re scrolling through your favorite stores online, search for luxury items that you wouldn’t usually buy. Find items that are a little more expensive and luxurious.

Buying the snazzier items for yourself will give you a boost of happiness and confidence, and this is exactly what you deserve as a mom.

If you’re looking for some inspiration on which items to buy for yourself, here are four luxuries that every mom deserves to own.

A New Car

If you really want to spoil yourself, why not upgrade your current vehicle and buy a brand-new car?

Yes, this is one the most expensive luxuries that you can buy. But if you’ve got some savings and you’re had your eyes on a particular car, it might finally be time to make a purchase.

Head down to the Heber, Utah car dealership you’ll be able to browse their selection of vehicles. Don’t be afraid to ask the experts for their advice on which model is best for you based on your needs and preferences.

Consider the specific features and gadgets that you’d like to have in your new car. Lots of models now come with built-in satnavs, heated seats, and even traffic sign recognition.

If you’ve been driving a petrol or diesel car for a while, you might want to switch things up and get yourself an electric car. These models have become increasingly popular over the last few years and many experts are saying that electric cars are the way forward.

A Bouquet of Fresh Flowers

There’s nothing like sprucing up your home’s interior with a stunning bouquet of real flowers.

Buying freshly cut flowers not only adds to the aesthetics of your home but it also makes your house smell great. If you’re a fan of floral smells, you can ditch the air fresheners and allow the scent of your flowers to fill the air.

You can buy a range of flower bouquets at most grocery stores (usually near to the front of the store) but if you really want to splash out on yourself, head to a professional florist shop. Most florists offer the option to customize your flower arrangements so you can choose the types and colors of flowers to make up your bouquet.

Get yourself a large bunch of flowers for the dining room table and a few smaller bunches to place in your living room and bedroom. This way, you have a small piece of nature throughout your whole property.

A Massage Session

When you’re chronically stressed because of your endless task list, you can easily start to feel tight and tense. Your muscles begin to feel stiff and achy, and you might even start to feel dull pains throughout your body.

If this sounds all too familiar to you, a massage might be on the cards.

Although not a material item, getting a massage is worth spending your money on if you’re a busy mom. During your massage, you can relax and enter your own world as the massage therapist works to relieve tension in your muscles.

There are two common forms of massage – deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. Both are great options to relieve muscle tension, but the techniques differ.

During deep tissue massage, the therapist will use a more forceful hand to release tension that is deep within the muscles and connective tissue. This type of massage is popular amongst those who are physically active and practice a lot of high-intensity exercises.

If you’d rather have a more relaxing massage session, Swedish style massage may be a better option for you. During a Swedish massage, the therapist will use a gentle hand to flush toxins out of your muscles and reduce tightness.

If you can’t decide which type of massage you want to get, why not try both! You can never spoil yourself with too many massages as a hard-working mom!

Some New Jewelry

If you’re a woman who enjoys splashing out on expensive jewelry, this is the perfect luxury item to buy when you are treating yourself to something new.

Whether it’s a stunning necklace, a sparkly ring, or a diamond-encrusted watch, find something that makes you feel fabulous. Your Jewelry is not only a luxury item but it’s also a fashion statement. It’s part of your style and it can be used to express yourself.

Jewelry might be an expensive luxury but it’s one that every mom deserves after putting in years of hard work for their families and friends.

If you’ve had a particular piece of jewelry in your shopping basket for months, click that checkout button! You won’t regret splashing the cash on yourself when you receive your shiny new jewelry piece.