4 Ways to Entertain Kids Over Holiday Break

We’ve all been there. The kid’s have time off from school and we’re left feeling a little deflated. “How am I going to keep them entertained over winter break?” we ask ourselves. Well, there is an abundance of things to do that will keep not only you, but your kids, entertained over the summer months.

1. Explore Your Community

Your local area may have many things going on over the holiday period. Your local library is usually a great place to turn to for some fun pre-planned events for the kids to attend so be sure to check their website for an updated list of events. Go and check out your library, and make a day of it. There are plenty of books and computers to keep the children entertained while you check out what is going on in your local area. Libraries also often have story time for children and arts and crafts days.

Your local community center is also a great place to turn to for a wide range of other activities that you and your kids can enjoy.  You could even go for a short visit to your community center to see what events they are hosting over the holiday’s. Take your children to the park to run around and burn off some energy. Yes! You can visit the park during any season and even if there is snow on the ground!

Whatever may be going on in your local area, take them. You’ll be sure to have plenty of fun watching them burn off some steam. And best of all, local activities are often free or very inexpensive, meaning your bank account will thank you at the end of the day.


2. Have Fun at Home

Of course, there will be days when you’re feeling too tired and groggy to go out. On these days, you can still have plenty of fun with the kids. You could encourage them to put on a play or puppet show, making the puppets together. Who doesn’t love a good sock puppet play?

 You could have a movie night and put your feet up together in front of your favorite film. We like to rewatch our family favorites, like the entire Harry Potter collection, over winter break. We actually try to watch them all on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.

You could invite their friends over for a play date and have the kids make a day of crafts or games. If you are really brave, have them do both! 

These days are unique for each family, and happy memories can still be made by lazing around in the house all day. Crack jokes with each other, whatever it is that makes your kids giggle with excitement, do it and have a laugh.

3. Get Out as a Family

Their will obviously be those days when you just want to get out of the house and have a day out for the whole family and these can become some of the best days of the holidays, with many a memory being made. You could take them to explore your local museums or other local tourist attractions and tour your town for the day.

You could take them to the swimming pool to have fun on all of the water slides. You could take them out to a theme park to have fun on all of the wild rides. You could take them to a nearby nature reserve to have a look at all of the wildlife that can be found nearby. Of course, this all depends on the weather in your area but these days, you can find a lot of these attractions indoors as well.

You could even take them to the cinema or theater to catch a showing of their favorite play or movie. Whatever it is that you choose to do on family days out, make them special and full of happy memories. It may cost a little money on these days, but can you really put a price on your kids having the best summer ever?

4. Vacation

Every holiday period is best topped off with a family vacation. Time alone as a couple as well as time with the whole family, they are the best chances for us to build memories as well as have a great time getting a tan. Plan a fun getaway somewhere tropical if you live somewhere cold or plan a fun road trip! Just remember that if you decide to do the latter, make sure your vehicle is up for the trip by taking it in to a reputable service center like the one at Victory Layne Chevrolet.

So there you have it, some very simple ideas for fun days out or in with the kids. If you do even half of these things, then I’m sure you’ll have a very fun and active holiday break.


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