10 Signs Your Home is Running with Rodents

It no longer matters what season it is, rodents always seek shelter and warmth within accessible homes and properties. While bigger infestations easily make themselves known, it is better to catch mice and rats before their population has the chance to increase. But, how can you tell if there is a problem? Here are some tell-tale signs that your home is infested with rodents.

  1. Chew Marks

Have you noticed tiny chew marks on cardboard, wood or other items around the home? Rodents of all shapes and sizes are well-known for gnawing on everything from skirting boards to wires.

  1. Something Smells

When a rodent dies inside a home, the smell is strong. If you notice a rotting odour, give us a call to help find and remove the dead rodents and other pests. Pest Free Australia offers effective rodent control products so make sure to check it out.

  1. A Musky Odour

Typically, an infestation of rodents is accompanied by a rather musky odour. The smell usually grows stronger as the infestation gets worse.

  1. Droppings

Rodent droppings tend to be the most common signs of infestation – and the easiest to spot. Mice droppings are about a quarter of an inch long and have pointed ends. They’re usually small and dark brown in colour. On the other hand, rat droppings can be much bigger – around three-quarters to half an inch long – and vary in size and shape depending on the kind of rats that are hanging around your home. If you need to clean up rodent droppings, make sure you wear gloves and a mask.

  1. Pets Behaving Strangely

If your cats or dogs are scratching at the walls or behaving strangely in certain parts of your home, it may be a sign of rodents. Take note of where in the house your cats or dogs are acting off so that you can guide a pest technician.

  1. Tracks

Another obvious sign of an infestation is small rodent footprints. These are usually noticeable in areas where dust collects, and tracks are easy to identify.

  1. Allergies

Determining the root-cause of allergies can be pretty difficult, but pest allergies are frequently overlooked. Rodent droppings and fur can also cause allergic reactions in some people. In fact, the majority of allergists believe that a pest-free home can combat regular allergy problems.

  1. Holes

Rats and mice sometimes gnaw minute holes in thin materials and walls to create entry points into your home and make their way around.

  1. Noise

Gnawing, scampering noises and sounds of scratching may be tell tale signs of rodents. You’ll usually hear noises inside walls, ceilings and in the attic.

  1. Grease Marks

Rodent’s fur is oily and can leave grease marks and streaks on the surfaces they scurry across. Be on the look out for these unexplained marks around your home.

Rodent infestations are hazardous and costly. If you have an active infestation or you think one could occur in your home, get the professionals in to inspect the property and find a solution.

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