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Re-entering the Workforce after Having Your First Child

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We are living in a time when both parents have to work to support themselves, their children and their homes. When one parent is out of work, it can burden the family financially and cause major problems when it comes to affording bills and other expenses. If you recently had your first child, you’ve probably been out of work for some time to go through this miraculous process. Unfortunately, it may be coming time for you to re-enter the workforce simply because you will no longer be receiving compensation while home with your new baby.

How to Adjust to Being a Mother and Going Back to Work

Before, you probably just got up in the morning and went to work without giving it a second thought. Now that you have a baby, there are a few things that you need to consider before you head out the door. One thing is who will take care of the baby while you are gone. If you have a relative or friend who can watch the child, this will help you to save a tremendous amount of money. If you need to put the baby in a daycare setting, you should weigh the costs of the daycare with your income to see if it is even worth it.

Believe it or not, many new mothers are finding that whatever they make at work is just barely paying for the cost of daycare. It might be more financially and ethically responsible of you to simply find a different method of daycare or to stay home with the baby if daycare costs are too expensive. The choice is entirely up to you, but it definitely is something that you’ll want to keep in mind if your only option is to put the baby into a daycare system.

Balancing Motherhood with a Career

Balancing motherhood with your career might seem like a difficult or almost impossible task, but it can be done. When you’re at work, try to focus solely on what you are doing and leave home matters at home. This will help you to feel more secure in your career as well as to ensure that your work gets done more professionally. While this is probably easier said than done, it is highly beneficial to you if you leave work at work and home matters at home.

If you have a job that allows it, you might even want to consider spending certain days during the week working from home. This will help you to balance both your family life and your career within the same setting. This is also an option for you if you are having difficulties paying for daycare services. While many women do not have jobs that allow them to work from home, this is an option that is available to you and something to discuss with your employer in the future. Finally, if you have been out of the workforce for an extended period of time you may need to undertake some formal training in order to update your skill set. Numerous accredited training providers, such as hba learning exist and are a great way to increase your employment prospects.

Being a new mother and having a career can be difficult, but these two things combined make for one fulfilled life.


The Sparkles of a Wedding

*This is a guest post* Wedding Cake,Wedding Planning, Wedding Cake Design

When a couple is preparing for their wedding day they do not want a bland wedding, or just an ordinary wedding. The couple will want a wedding that they will remember for years to come. Everything in the wedding has to be perfect. The colors of the dresses for the bridesmaids have to be just right, so the tuxedos for the men will be the right colors to match the dresses. Once the brides dress has been chosen and fitted properly and her veil has been picked out, the next item to consider is to spruce up the wedding more by using bouquet jewelry. The beautiful, sparkling jewels are not anything like what is bought in a regular craft store. These particular jewels are of actual rhinestone and can be placed on everything that is in the wedding. The jewelry stays on securely with the sticky part attached to the item that is to be used in the wedding ceremony.

Many wedding dresses often have a sash or some pretty belt around the waist area and to bring out the sparkle of the wedding dress a beautiful rhinestone decorated buckle can be added. The buckle with the silver rhinestones will be the talk of your wedding. As you look back on your wedding day you will remember the beautiful colored jeweled rhinestone that made your wedding sparkle. After the wedding ceremony is over and all the guests have been greeted it is now time for the wedding reception. The wedding cake is a symbol of how wonderful your day has been. As people walk into the wedding reception the first thing they will see is the wedding cake. You will feel proud when the guests are not able to take their eyes off of your wedding cake that has one of the many monogram cake toppers that you and your new husband looked at, before making your final decision. There is so much to do in planning the perfect wedding. When the right help is available with the right type of wedding products, it makes the planning of your wedding so much easier, so the couple can remember their wedding day with fond memories.

5 Survival Tips For Family Travelers To India

*This is a guest post*

Family holidays are a time for bonding, spending time with your loved ones and a general time to relax and unwind from your full time commitments. Many families travel overseas for a holiday. This is generally a great idea as it educates your family on new cultures and allows you to explore the diversity of a different country. Especially for the kids, this is a great learning curve as they get to experience another country’s way of living. In many instances, when travelling to less fortunate countries, this would be beneficial as it allows them to be grateful for what they have and it really opens their eyes to see the poverty and struggle some nations encounter. If you are considering a family trip to India, a third-world country, there are a few things to consider prior. Take note of these 5 survival tips for your Indian travels:

Take out Travel Insurance

If travelling to a third-world country, such as India, travel insurance is a MUST. To ensure the safety and security of your family, taking out insurance will ensure any unexpected injuries or illnesses will be financed through your provider. Travel insurance also protects your personal belongings. In a less fortunate country, there are many ‘pick pockets’ that may steal your wallet or other personal possessions. Acquiring insurance prior to your travels is a necessity and will protect you from unexpected, costly problems.

Speak to Your Doctor

It is highly beneficial to visit your doctor prior to departing your home country. Especially when travelling to Asian countries, you may require injections to become immune from infectious diseases . India is prone to diseases such a polio, typhoid, hepatitis and meningitis. Therefore there may be a few immunizations required to protect you and your family from these harmful diseases. Be sure to check these prior.

Check Government Websites for Latest Information

There are some government websites that supply insightful information for people considering travelling to any country. The Smart Traveler website provides advice on local travel laws, health, security and entry and exit information. This will give you quality understanding of what to expect and prepare for prior to even confirming your initial travel plans. The site also provides handy information on locations and overall summaries of countries, such as India.

Pic Up a Multi-Currency Card

There are providers that supply handy and safe currency cards, such as a ‘Cash Passport’ card. This is very convenient and ensures the security of your personal cash. You can simply upload cash to the card online, prior to your travels, and avoid carrying your credit cards. The convenience of your Cash Passport card allows you to withdrawal money from most ATM’s and it converts the currency exchange automatically. It is also pin-protected for added security. It is essentially a debit card that is not linked to your personal bank account.

Extra Research – Travel Tips & Hints

In conjunction to sourcing information from government sites, do some extra research through blog posts and traveler reviews to try and pick up some handy hints and tips on India. People that have been there have obviously experienced the country first hand, therefore will provide you with some quality insight. It will be beneficial to gain some of this valuable information from experienced travelers.

Some of these tips are a necessity prior to travelling to India, some are a mere suggestion. Nonetheless, be sure to prepare your family before departure to ensure your holiday is as safe and memorable as possible.

Written by Marni Atkins
Marni has been travelling around India for 12 months with her 2 year old boy. Their next destination is Cambodia and Laos.

The Significance of Earth Day

*This is a guest post*

On April 22, 2013, there will be 474 cities though out the world holding official Earth Day celebrations. In addition, most public schools and many organizations will strive to raise awareness on the problems facing our planet. Even as we celebrate our affection for our life sustaining world, one of only a few in the known universe even remotely capable of such a feat, we have to acknowledge how fragile her balance might be.

Mother Earth has already endured quite a lot from her human passengers. Her water supply is threatened by pharmaceuticals, fracking, and even nuclear waste. Her atmosphere is becoming clouded by factory waste and auto emissions. Even her body has been littered with hundreds of tons of plastic bottles, aluminum cans and sandwich wrappers. Her natural oils are being drained to fuel even more of this pollution. Her minerals are being ripped from her mountainous breasts with strip mining.

Huge and uncaring corporations are ravaging, even raping our earth, and profiteering shamelessly from her bounty. They penetrate her surface and steal her riches. They are mining resources that are finite with reckless abandon, and we are consuming it, not just for necessity, but also for selfish whims of fancy. 

Isn’t it time to consider her beloved face, on which we must live, breathe, eat, drink and rely on? Is it really smart to just keep taking and taking and never give? We as children of the earth should appreciate our mother, the source of our life. Without her we are nothing, so it only makes sense to protect her in every way possible.

Earth Day celebrations should be respectful. This is no occasion for scattering plastic cups, discarded shopping bags and waste paper. It’s also no occasion to celebrate for only one day and then walk away and forget it all. We must learn to use those reusable and custom recycled bags from www.CustomEarthPromos.com every day, not just on Earth Day.

We need to take our message of defending and protecting our Earth to the streets. Each day we should be thankful for her continued survival in the face of an all out attack. It is time to show our support for her cause. We should wear our all renewable materials custom made lanyards, commemorating Earth Day, every day. See more on them here. We should remind others of the importance of the Earth. We must support our planet each and every day.

5 Ways to Promote Your Local Mothers’ Meet Up Group

*This is a guest post*

Being a parenting is both a wonderful and trying experience. You want to share the joys and the difficulties with other people who are in the same situation; therefore, you have either started or joined a local mothers’ meet up group. What are some of the ways you can promote your group?

Through the School
Even if your children are only in their toddler years, they might be going to a pre-nursery school program. Posting advertisements here promises that you are quite literally reaching your exact target audience. Be sure that the program is not in competition with the school’s program though. If they are, you’ll likely be unable to post.

Through Your Church
Another place where families tend to gather is at the church. Whether you have very young children or slightly older ones, you probably attend mass together as a family on a weekly basis. You may already have some friends at the church, and you can guide them toward the signs about your mothers’ meet up group. They will likely be delighted to have another activity in which they can participate on a regular basis.

Be Clear Who The Group Is For
A mothers’ meet up group could have a couple of different meanings. For example, it might mean that the mothers and children get together once a week or so to sing songs, make artistic works, play musical instruments and so forth. However, it may also be a group designed to allow moms to get a little bit of a break. They could chat about books together, go out for a glass of wine or two or participate in a cooking class together. Being clear about the details of the group promises that you’ll have better success.

Choosing Appropriate Days and Times
Your promotional efforts are going to fail if no one is ever available for any of the sessions you’re offering. A lot of mothers work during the day, so it is not always the best idea to have such a program in the middle of the morning. Try to get a sense of what the general work situation is for mothers in the community, and base the meet up schedule around that. Of course, both stay-at-home moms and working moms want to have some sort of social activity in their lives, so you could have success with either endeavor.

Show Pictures
When looking at promotional ads, people want to be able to visualize for what they are signing up. Post pictures that show the mothers and/or children participating in adults. Before you post any pictures, however, you absolutely must have the permission of the people in the photos or the parents of the children in them.
These types of meet up groups can really be a lot of fun for individuals. In order to get people involved, use these aforementioned tips to promote the group.

Written by Charlie Wesley

Charlie is an expert in small business marketing and runs his own consultancy in Sydney Australia. He offers the best priced services in leaflet delivery Sydney has to offer.